Sunday, December 22, 2019

Women s Foreign And Domestic Policies Play - 894 Words

What role did China’s foreign and domestic policies play in the 1899 Boxer Rebellion? The Boxer Rebellion, also known as the Boxer Uprising, was a movement created by nationalist Chinese men in response to what they perceived to be the westernization of their country by European forces and influences (â€Å"Boxer Rebellion†). Most of the people involved were very young men who had been inducted into a society known as the Yihequan, or Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists, to fight against foreign influences that were making their way into the culture that many Chinese people loved and wanted to protect (Harrison). The Yihequan felt that their enemies were not only the European troops and missionaries that had made their way into China, but also the Chinese people who had welcomed the foreigners and converted to Christianity in response to European missionaries (Tiedemann). They were not only angered at the perceived erasure of their traditional culture, but China h ad been going through a host of problems at the time, including severe droughts leading to widespread food shortages, and many of the Yihequan chose to blame this on the Christian influences in China. This was due to the belief in traditional Chinese culture that the only way to end drought was to pray to the gods to end it. The intense rituals that the villagers used to beg their gods to end drought was believed to need the sincere participation of the entire village in order to work. The Catholic Chinese did notShow MoreRelatedA International Company s Workers Human Rights Through The Influence Of The International Trade Essay957 Words   |  4 Pages Introduction Globalization is defined as the act of globalizing, or extending to other or all parts of the world. 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