Thursday, June 13, 2019

Definition of a princess or anything else Essay

Definition of a princess or anything else - Essay Exampled individual just because you havent ever had to earn a living and even if you would have then all you wouldve done is, buy the entire Macys clothes collection just because to get an opportunity to look spile on everybody else...While it is authoritative that I enjoy manicures, pedicures and saloon hair treatments at a time every forty days but it doesnt make me a botch up spendthrift or even a snob and it is also true that I work at the local Hospital as a certified Nurses Assistant where Im dedicated to taking care of my patients, my patients take me as a friendly Nurses Assistant. I am a person that enjoys helping out people in every possible way. I would do almost anything to make the lives of others better. I enjoy working for the betterment of the health care profession and that is the reason, why I have been doing it for the past twenty age and I work hard and put my best foot forward to accomplish the best for m y patients. Due to my love and kindness for mankind, Im for sure that I would help anybody regardless of caste, creed and color. Therefore, Im a kind hearted and a hard working person and not a spoiled snob.Im from a small North Dakota town, and I made my way to Grand Forks after graduating from high school, and in order to feed my family and to bear on money for college I had to become a conservative person. I was earning more than any girl my age and was not only supporting my family but also saving money for college. Later I continued my education to pursue a career as a Licensed Practical Nurse. This means that I have the patience and heart to take care of other people other than myself. It also means that I have the will to devote my disembodied spirit for the betterment of others. For me, my patients come first and this is very different from the idea of a snob, therefore Im hardly a cold hearted person who looks down on others.Another reason, why people usually stereotype me is because of my aristocratic looks and ice blonde hair. My good

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