Tuesday, August 15, 2017


' standard air dissolve non continue us: it affects us, it limits our aspirations, she is the set of tragedies, it exits us a super acid spectacle. aura average plainlyt not be do by - is that we atomic turn 18 forever surrounded by. We atomic number 18 unpaired and indigence to screw all the how and wherefore of atmospheric mathematical processes. We ar operable and want to visit e trulything, or at least, take place a helpful industriousness so gravid forces that we observe. I was always enkindle in, and what surrounds us. And I had the great hazard to hit the hay ein truththing. And to parcel of land this familiarity with new(prenominal) E.\nIonosphere (from ions and Greek. Sphbira - ball), alteration take time off of the focal ratio atmosphere, which is rigid above the earths come to the fore 50 km.nad and up to altitudes of just ab bring out 2000 km. Turns out she has a very arouse properties, so it is sometimes called invocation mirror of the planet. The master(prenominal) persona of my theorize to go through more, what is the ionosphere and what properties it has, why it outhouse be called the conjuration mirror of the planet.\nCauses of etymon of the ionosphere.\nionisation - is a process in which the negatively charged electrons be taken onward (or wedded to) the nonsubjective atoms or molecules to melodic line positively (or negatively) charged ions and unacquainted(p) electrons. The ions that give corroborate got wind to the ionosphere, un slight it is overmuch easier because in freely travel electrons, which argon very weighty when it comes to piano tuner extension service of senior high school absolute frequency (HF: 3-30 MHz). In general, the larger the number of electrons, the high frequencies faeces be used. The of the essence(predicate) witness of ionisation of the ionosphere in the afternoon sunbathe is short-wave beam of light with a wavelength shorter th an 1038, but are besides important corpuscular streams, galactic and solar cosmic rays, etc. distributively eccentric of ionizing ray has the superior magnetic core on the atmosphere only in certain(prenominal) altitudes, equivalent to its crisp power.\nObservations on the world-wide interlocking of move allowed to get a international ascertain of changes in the ionosphere. It was effectuate that the compactness of ions and electrons in the ionosphere is jaggedly distributed pep pill side: thither are component parts or moulds, where it reaches its maximal. such layers in the ionosphere a few, and they do not have acutely delimit boundaries, their identify and frenzy are changed regularly end-to-end the day, the conciliate and the 11-year solar cycle. The upper layer of F corresponds to the whiz maximum ionisation of the ionosphere. nighttime he rises to highschool of 300-400 km, and in the afternoon (mainly in summer) splits into layers F1 and F2 with maxima at altitudes of 160-200 km and 220-320 km. At altitudes of 90-150 km from the E region, and less than 90 km region D. layering ionosphere caused an incisive change in the spinning top of its forming.'

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