Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The New Frontier A Term Coined By John F. Kennedy

The Great Society The New Frontier : a term coined by John F. Kennedy during his presidential inaugural address on January 20th , 1961. This New Frontier referred to a nation without greed, without poverty, and without war. During this time, tensions between the United States and the USSR, were high. These tensions resulted in the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. On November 22nd, 1963, while on a campaign for reelection in Dallas, Texas, Kennedy was assassinated and the nation morned the loss of their executive leader. Hours later, Lyndon B. Johnson took office as President of the United States. Johnson came into office with plans to tackle the biggest problems which faced the United States, such as the civil rights movement and the unemployment rate. Former President, Lyndon B. Johnson, in his speech, The Great Society, outlined a set of reforms to help persuade the nation s youth to assist in creating a truly â€Å"great society† and propel the nation to greater heights. The purpose of the speech was to lay out a political plan for his upcoming presidential campaign. He adopts an elevated tone not only to pay homage to Kennedy, but to persuade the American voters to support him in the upcoming election. Johnson started off his speech by calling upon the members of the University of Michigan graduating class and the youth from all around the nation. He explained that this was their â€Å"country† and thatShow MoreRelatedHannah Runyan. Pellegrino. Block 2/3. 2 March 2017. Evolution1481 Words   |  6 PagesAmericans drastically shifted from wanting the basi cs in life as the ‘American Dream’ to wanting more than they ever thought was attainable; this fueled American spirits after the Great Depression and gave them something to aim for. 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