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Btech Hnd Essays

Btech Hnd Essays Btech Hnd Paper Btech Hnd Paper t Lo1 understand the background to organisational strategic change 1. 1 Identify models of strategic change that is appropriate for British airways strategic change 1. 2 Discuss how your chosen strategic change model is relevance British airways in the current economy 1. 3 Discuss the benefits of your chosen strategic change models as intervention techniques in British airways Lo2 understand issues relating to strategic change in an organisation 2. 1 Based on the case study discuss why you think British airways need change 2. Assess the factors that are driven the need for strategic change at British airways 2. 3 Assess the resource implication of British airways not responding to strategic change L03 stakeholders in developing a strategy for change 3. 1 Identify a system involving stakeholders in the planning of change at British Airways 3. 2 Analysis the change management strategy of British airways with stakeholders 3. 3 Evaluate the systems used by British airways to involve stak eholders in the planning of change 3. 4 Were there ant resistance to change? If so explainLo4 planning to implement models for ensuring on-going change 4. 1 How would you develop appropriate model for change for British Airways 4. 2 based on the case explain how you would plan and implement a model for change for British Airways 4. 3 How would you develop appropriate measure to monitor progress at British Airways. 1. 1 Identify models of strategic change that is appropriate for British airways strategic change Models of strategic change that are appropriate for British airways are; John kotter worked out on 8 step model ,in this 8 steps of model first four steps focus on DE freezing of any organisation similarly ext three make the changes in organisation and last step refreezes the organisation with new culture. According to change management gurus if any organisation need changes effectively and significantly it is best if they follow 8 steps in order mention below; * Increase urge ncy for change * Team building for change * Making vision * Communicate vision * Remove obstacles * Create short-term goals * Consolidate improvements * Make it culture ADKAR change model is another powerful model in change management which bring change in individuals and any organisation effectively.This model is simple to learn, focus on the outcomes and action taken for change and make sense during change of any organisation and individuals. There are five major steps in ADKAR models which are * Change need awareness * Willingness to participate in and support the change * Knowledge about change * Required skills and behaviours implementation for change * Reinforcement to sustain the change 1. 2 Discuss how your chosen strategic change model is relevance British airways in the current economy In the case of British airways the driving forces to change is reduction of staffing levels on the long-haul flight.According to Kotter’s 8 steps model it helps to identify and discus s about the need of change and its urgency, it helps to build strong team that guide the company, identify and requite skilled matched people in right place for right job, it also help to established a vision and strategy for an organisation with the view to deliver quality services. It helps to communicate the essentials, simply and appeal and responds to people’s needs as in British airways it identify the reason and what they want from strike and responds positively. It helps to remove the obstacles and provide eedbacks with the view support the stakeholders of the organisation like after identification of abstract of strike they came to the decision of agreement which includes two-year pay deal and return of travel perks for thousands of staff who took part in 22 days of walkout, which nearly cost British airways ? 150m. It also helps to leaders of the organisation what steps is good to move on, also helps to make plan and create corporate culture as in British airways it gives ACAS conciliation services a role in arbitrating the cases of staff that were sacked during dispute and end the dispute of British airways . 3 Discuss the benefits of your chosen strategic change models as intervention techniques in British airways Intervention technique helps to bring positive changes in the organisation, some of the benefit of using change model as intervention technique helps to make all the change strategy goals should be clear to all stakeholders, it should be relevant to all people as all relevant people are included on its change. All change activities should be structure in such way that make high profit and success of the organisation. This includes both experience and conceptual learning.It shows how to do and what to do in the change process. it helps to make sure all the staff of the company as well as client know how to solve the problem which can be used for future decision making process and adopting change in the environment. The intervention technique in British airways is change in the management of organisation like Williams replace Willie Walsh as a chief of British airways parent, international airlines group. Use of diagonal task force to change the plan, downsizing the staffing, emphasising on open communication, new performance based compensation system and peer support groups through change process. . 1 Based on the case study discuss why you think British airways need change In any organisation change management is the essential for the growth and development of its organisation. Most of the changes happens in an organisation are cultural change, business process re-engineering and empowerment and so on. There are different reason that initiate the need for change in an organisation like force to change, by telling, by participatory and by transforming changes.Financial, technological, economic, environmental are some of the situations to mode of change. According to case study, British airways need change due to economic crisis which is crisis to the Eurozone crisis from subprime crisis, another need of change is changes in the market condition that is increase in the competition of low cost airlines, merging with other new airlines and one of the major need of change according to case study is the revolt by the working staff which is also called as management problems. 2. Assess the factors that are driven the need for strategic change at British airways The factor for strategic change at British Airways can be internal or external forces such as economic, political, technological, ownership change, customer dissatisfaction, and loss of key personnel in the organisation and so on. According to British airways main driven factor of change is due to cutting down the benefit of staff and cost of the labour. Due to this British airways loss their market share and also the staff of the British airways goes on strike on different condition basis.Due to which British airways passenger faced th reat of summer strike. Problems of over-staffing after the merger and staff reduction strategy of British airways due to which different strike by British airways with the agreement of two-year pay deal and return of travel perk for staff lead to change strategy of British airways 2. 3 Assess the resource implication of British airways not responding to strategic change Change made in on organisation may be bad or good, some of the change does not resist in the change process.Those factor can be lack of awareness about the change that is going to happen, low tolerance of change, misunderstanding, fair of failure when change in done, peer pressure and so on and to adopt the change it will be difficult to the people as they were familiar with yesterday’s reality of work. Due to which different problems like disruption, stress, missed objectives, low valued employee and finally the failure of organisation to adopt change could lead.Similarly in British airways when change is don e to cut staffing where staff did not accept the change and goes for the strike which affect externally and internally to the British airways. 3. 1 Identify a system involving stakeholders in the planning of change at British Airways During the planning of change in British airways shareholders, chief executive, employee, union, supplier, government body, financial provider, are involved. Stakeholder are involved in the problem solving of the cut down on cabin crew staff due to which economic crisis is face by the British airways.There are different means of communication methods by which British airways can involve its stokeholds in decision making process so they don’t have to face any problem in the future. They can uses letters or email, they can arrange meeting, internet, website and through different advertising media. So they can discuss using this system by involving the stokeholds to plan the change which helps British airways in making change planning for future. 3. 2 Analysis the change management strategy of British airways with stakeholders Change management of British airways arePeople first policy Managing people Organisation culture To make British airways the world’s no 1 airway, British airways driven with marketing favour rather than process driven company. In this strategy individual is given target and want to achieve best possible goal. It also make aware about the marketing competitive in the environment and know the customer needs and expectation. Managing people is important strategy which helps in the movement of different management level of employee and different training program is introduce for managing the management level.It also includes the employee promotion and respect to competency and values are given top priority. Organisation of culture is another strategy which helps giving directing and right track to the staff of the organisation; British airways have traditional values, attitudes and belief which enable the new culture in the British airways. According to the case study of British airways change management strategy, British airways inform the change strategy to the shareholder of the company but the reason is that staff of the company is failed to inform.For the change management of British airways they impose the change strategy to cut the number of staff working in the British airways without have proper communication with the stakeholders, where we can see there is lack of staff involved in their planning process. 3. 3 Evaluate the systems used by British airways to involve stakeholders in the planning of change There are different systems used by British airways while planning the change in which stakeholders of British airways are involved on it. Local communities Environmental issues customersBritish airways Competitors shareholders employees suppliers media They used two way communication systems by using mailing systems as they realised they need customer feedback which he lps in further planning of the British airways, British airways concern with its brand so they use powerful social media like radio, television news application, and British airways website. They used twitters which help British airways to in touch with the customer of British airways. They use different marketing media for promotion and in problem-solving of customer.During the change in British airways stakeholders take part in the meeting at Heathrow to support the pace deal and also they make an agreement of two year pay deal and return of travel perks for the staff for those people who attend and take part during the strike. 3. 4 Were there any resistance to change? If so explain Yes, there is resistance of change in the British airways. Due to strike of British airways there are many problems customer of British airways facing may problems this the British airways decided to end the strike by providing the compensation the crew member which includes the deal of 2-years pay dea l nd return of travel perks for staff due to which British airways get loss of ? 150 million after that British airways’ crew member stop strike and end in peace. After that British airway develop better relationship with the staff of the company and plan different strategy which helps British airways to be successful in the future. 4. 1 How would you develop appropriate model for change for British Airways Lewin’s model is the best model I can use for British airways change management. Unfreeze, change and refreeze are the three structure based on this model.Due to the economic crisis in the British airways, it implemented several cost cutting measure like British Airways decision of cutting down staffing level on long haul flight along with cutting down perks of the staff. Which lead to loss up to ? 150m by several walkouts which is the unfreeze stage of British Airways, which is failed by British airways to carry out. In stage of change is most difficult which is fa iled by British Airways and began downsizing. Change is another stage which is comes out after unfreeze stage, in this stage new plan is implemented which have to adopt by the organisation.It helps to redirect beliefs and attitude toward the new direction. It takes time for people to adopt required change and to act positive to change. British Airways face a lots of competition from low cost airlines hence British Airways compromised on luxurious offered and cut the prices down. Refreeze is the final stage of change. Changes on this stage must be utilized on everyday activities and also organisation feel must safe at this stage of change. This stage increases the confidence, performance and comfort of the employee level. This stage should be carried out effectively.Activities and objectives also should be clear to the employee at this stage 4. 2 based on the case explain how you would plan and implement a model for change for British Airways According to lewin’s change model, we can plan and implement some changes in the British airways, unfreezing stage is the 1st steps of change management where British airways have to unfreeze the present pattern of behaviour and manage the resistance to change. This stage can be used to downsizing the workforce, which is done by British airways by cutting the staff from 52,300 to 35,000. It helps to reduce the hierarchical evels in the British airways and work is done with easy by improving the performance of organisation. To support this stage different tanning program is launched by British airways and introduce the policy of putting people first and managing people first as a slogan. In this stage top level management in British airways is change by appointing new CEO. The second stage of lewin’s model is change, in this stage movement is done, where in British airways number of internal changes happen like airways structure and system is changed for example new bonus system is introduce and new terminal i s open I. . opening of terminal 4 at Heathrow airport. Also British airways buy chartridge house where different training program is done for the staff of British airways Refreezing is the last stage of lewin’s model, it involves direct changing organisational culture, how conflict is manage and decision is made, how open people are with each other and so on. In British airways to stop the strike agreement of two year deal and returns of travel perks for thousands of staff done which cost British airways loss of ? 150 million. 4. How would you develop appropriate measure to monitor progress at British Airways? Progress in British airways is measured by using different fact and figure; some of the measures are shown below. Customer recommendation in %; it can be measured by conducting customer survey program and get proper recommendation by customer. it also helps to show how the customer experience will affect in the future profitability of British airways. years| Customer re commendation in %| 2009/10| 63| 2008/09| 65| 2007/8| 59| 2006/07| 61| 005/6| | This shows target level of customer recommendation in year 2009/10 is 65%, it helps to know the performance of British airways is strong but they fail to reach the target due to different changes happen in the British airways. Progress of British airway also measured by conducting different survey like providing online comment and getting feedback from customer, making report about satisfied customer and customer how are not satisfied by services provided , putting to the customer and getting feedback from them.References BBC News (2011) Qamp;A: Whats the BA dispute about. [Online] Available at: bbc. co. uk/news/business-11868081 [Accessed: 18May 2013]. Britishairways. com (2009) British Airways 2009/10 Annual Report and Accounts. [Online] Available at: britishairways. com/cms/global/microsites/ba_reports0910/our_business/strategy5. html [Accessed: 24 May 2013]. Barney J – Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 4th Edition (Pearson Education, 2010) ISBN 0132479060 Bottom of Form

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