Sunday, August 25, 2019

Read the instruction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Read the instruction - Essay Example James Madison assumes, in his own opinion concerning the human nature that factions are strong in the propensity of humankind, such that humankind can fall into mutual animosity where there is no any presentation of substantial occasion, in most frivolous and vivid distinctions, which have resulted to rekindling the unfriendly passions and the most violent conflicts between the two. The federalist 10 is the most interesting essays of James Madison, written in 1787. This essay talks about the liberty, the role of the factions, and the remedies and the extent to which the government should control the concerns that result from the factions. James Madison follows the description of the factions as the group of citizens that either mounts to the majority or as the minority of the whole citizens, united and prompted by a common interest concerning the rights of the citizens or based on the common interest of the society. Madison interest is majorly on the political and social insecurity c aused by the opponent factions; this implies that Madison has to discover the core structure of the government as a whole. His interest id to discover the best structure of a government that will be able to provide remedies for this faction thus he came up with the Federalists 10, which Madison found to provide the best remedy (Hrebenar, and Bryson 41). James Madison bases his arguments on the effects of the factions and he says that the effects of the factions and the case of liberty are the same thing (Hrebenar, and Bryson 40). Therefore, he opts to go about identifying the effects of the factions and looks forward to identify how the effects of the factions may be controlled. This is evident where he compares liberty to faction and he compares air to fire, he continues to say that none of the two exists without the existence of the other. However, it could not cause a lot of trouble to abolish liberty, which is only important in politics and nourishes the faction rather. This bri ngs out the fact that the factions are very essential to the government and thus removing the factions’ means that the government would oppress some people, which is against what the government should be doing. He also sees that liberty and factions are very important aspects of the government and he comments that as far as the reasons for man to live are outlined and they have the liberty to exercise it, very various opinions will exist. Therefore, a healthy government is one, which allows expression of citizens, and on the other hand, the government ceases to be healthy incase the causes of factions affect it. However, James Madison suggests that the Republican structure of government can deal and tackle the issues concerning the causes of factions. The Republican mode of a government, as Madison suggests, is able to control the effects of factions more than the way the Democratic structure of government does. The Republican type of government made up of the representatives who carry out the beliefs and the passions of the majority of the citizens representing it. Both the Democrats and the Republicans make up the republic, the two groups, the Democrats, the Republicans cast many varied opinions, and thus they form factions. James Madison also suggests that the structure of the Republican form of government has the ability to defend the rights of the minority and the rights of t

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