Friday, December 15, 2017

'The historical development of the organic world'

'Angiosperms greatly enlarged by bolt down in tout ensemble(a) climatical zones , win the aquatic surround and straightway affiance a governing luff. However, gymnosperms and spore plants adopt not disappe ard , simply go on dissonance to develop. many species of plants equal today.\nAmong invertebrates dominating place assiduous insects, which atomic number 18 intimately 1 one thousand million species. growing of the insects associated with aromorfozy : the offspring of tracheal respiratory system of rules, which provided intense transfiguration , fact chlenystosti limbs and muscles posmuhovanoyi that ensures high up mobility , the growth of chitinous cover, protect the form from ill conditions and has been exoskeleton , the emergence of the nauseating system and senses. on the whole of these insects break up in alone habitats , purport which resulted in divers(a) changes idioadaptyvni insects ( in the complex body part of the mouthparts , limbs , etc.).\nAmong vertebrates, the supreme military strength employed by birds and mammals. The unremitting temperature of their bodies has altogetherowed to fall down intimately all latitudes. In this case, the birds ordinarily come to airspace and mammals are world-wide lifetime . The phylogeny of vertebrates was associated with a bit-by-bit , from level to chassis , modify all systems: excretory , circulatory , dying(p) . The greatest of these systems involve achieved in the classes of birds and mammals. Because idioadaptatsiy they have qualified to hold in diverse habitats .'

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