Saturday, August 22, 2020

Traditional Family a National Crisis Free Essays

The figure of speech, â€Å"Decline of Traditional Family a National Crisis,† is profoundly attached to a suspicion that national blast results from a country rich with conventional family units. Comprising of a wedded man and lady living respectively and sharing obligations regarding posterity and for one another, is the perspective on David Popenoe, a humanist who accepts a family unit characterizes social and national success, the standard. It is when deviation from such standard happens, that family unit significance is theorized. We will compose a custom paper test on Conventional Family a National Crisis or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now With inexact measurable information, contemplates show half of relationships will end in separate, a typical exchange that depicts consternation of family. On the off chance that the general public is to endure, adjustments to qualities and standards will be dependent upon social patterns. As indicated by David Popenoe, the customary family is the key establishment in the public eye. In this way, the general public is dissolved if the key establishment is twisted. Popenoe contends families give the character, having a place, control, and qualities that are fundamental for advancement. Besides, he clarifies the worry that is shadowing youngsters, survivors of antagonistic social effect. In any case, Popenoe admits to social advancement, for example, diminishment of isolation, bigotry and the money related liberation of ladies. Popenoe’s examine is praiseworthy however not so much right, due to dismissing the cutting edge society’s esteem for family and basic changes that have risen up out of innovation. In this present day and time, families extend from conventional to current. The conventional family is a powerless illusion, clutching values once emphatically considered important. The cutting edge family is a degenerate impression of conventional family. The organization of customary family unit individuals no longer exists just in conventional sense. Members in present day families are, the customary man, lady and kid, cooperated gay men and lesbian ladies with or without kid, single man and youngster, and a lady and kid. A considerable lot of the family styles are reactions to social advancement in opportunity of decision and some are from nature’s course, regardless of whether shocking or not. Despite family style, the picked road isn't liberated from our jobs past the family that confine our entrance to family life, a perspective on Stephanie Coontz. Stephanie Coontz contradicts Popenoe’s speculations of a country in emergencies, just as bringing up chronicled information was not precisely performed. She has given increasingly precise information considerably more advanced measurable methodologies, including room for mistakes. Information gathered, state families are carrying on in no-emergencies way and numerous families are solid, today. One of Coontz’s hypotheses remembered the change for woman’s job. Ladies of today are not simply shoeless and pregnant in the kitchen, while provider daddy is attempting to help his family. Coontz communicates, in America, there are colossal assortment of family types that have worked and not worked. She keep on clarifying, that families succeed on the grounds that they were adaptable in their living course of action, contradict to then generalizations of the past. Our decisions have improved with each human development and social pattern. Logical and innovative progressions have empowered prospects, when out of reach, for conventional accomplices, gay couples just as single people, to have youngsters. While conventional accomplices actualize association accessibility, today’s single parent, has numerous options from benefits gave. Single guardians are fit for working extended periods of time and still take an interest as cherishing and sustaining with the assistance of network, business childcare lodging, private and government programs. Correspondence and coordinations, recently obstructed from absence of innovation, by and by are limitlessly accessible and have limited insufficiency in children’s need to see and speak with guardians. Being furnished with much help, guardians work gainfully or broadly, attempting to exceed expectations. Structure of family isn't the imperativeness of a country; the family makes a country. Changing laws clear further change. Yesterday’s perspective on family, got the job done as best, despite everything wins except various family structures are developing. Addressing the requirements of individuals and shielding them from destitution, savagery or sexual misuse, is parental, social and national obligation. Duty to accomplish these requirements begins with guardians, sifters through society, and lives broadly once again. Step by step instructions to refer to Traditional Family a National Crisis, Essays

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Breakfast Food Industry in Canada

Breakfast Food Industry in Canada Breakfast Food Industry in Canada Home›Research Posts›Breakfast Food Industry in Canada Research PostsIntroductionNature of breakfast food industry in CanadaThe nature of the breakfast food in this Canadian industry is based on ecological awareness they do depend on organic food. They stress on ecological farming process which is environmentally friendly and very nutritious. Besides that, the breakfast is also served from a mixture of fresh fruits and vegetables which comprise a vegetarian diet and no animal proteins are included in the menu. The presentation of this food is quite appealing and would be well placed in the market under favorable competitive circumstances. The fruits and corn are the main ingredients for this breakfast and are mixed on a ratio of 50 percent. There is an exceptional blending of the fruits and corn which makes it quite a unique product for breakfast lovers.Jordans Muesly CompanyThe external environmentThe company is bound to record rapid growth due to the favorable and enabling competitive environment that operates under a very vibrant economy whose year-to-year GDP is on a high scale. The new market for ecologically friendly farm foods has made it possible for this company to realize a high level of competitive advantage in the industry. This has resulted from the sensitivity on effects of artificial foods as is opposed to friendly organic farming produce.The internal environmentThe Jordans Muesli company is situated in one of the major cities in Canada. It has well developed facilities, complete with the state of the art technology and comfortable accommodation so that all the visitors in the area are assured of their stability and security. Availability of dedicated and well-motivated staffs within the organization who are employed on both a full time and part time basis is another accolade for this food company.Strategic Issues/Problems/ChallengesBuilding   the ecological food breakfast brand of Muesli is an important conc ept; getting the attention of stakeholders to gather resources required to sustain the course of building the world class reputable company that serves its customers well is important too; reaching out to all members of the public through marketing and advertisements given the cost profile of the company; identifying areas, resources and ways to engage in continued better business practices and  responsibility to serving good food to the public who are sensitive to their needs; and identifying the viable market growth even in times of low season.The strategy they are to use to sell Jordans Muesly in CanadaThe position of a firm within an industry determines whether it is generating profits that are below or above the industry average. Two types of competitive advantage have been identified; which a firm can adapt: cost leadership and differentiation. These are combines with the scope of activities that the firm intends to undertake in order to achieve them, to generate three compet itive strategies for maintaining above average performance in an industry. The competitive strategies are: Cost leadership; Differentiation; Focus- (a) cost focus (b) differentiation focus.Cost leadership is adapted by a firm intends to maintain low production costs in the industry through, for instance, pursuing economies of scale, proprietary technology, preferential access to raw materials, etc. differentiation is for a firm that seeks to be unique in an industry along some dimensions that that is valued by a wide range of clientele, which uniqueness is paid for by a premium. With focus the firm chooses a narrow competitive scope and it has two dimensions: a cost focus that seeks a cost advantage in a target segment and a differentiation focus that seeks differentiation in a target segment.The Jordans Muesly is offering high quality ecological breakfast of fruits and corn, and good services that would require charging premium fees compared to the other food companies. The applica ble strategy here therefore is differentiation of the food as compared to other players.ImplementationIn order to implement the strategy successfully the Jordans Muesly needs to effectively manage these six aspects: prepare a clear action plan with all the relevant activities arranged chronologically, ensure the organization structure can support implementation, ensure adequacy of the human resource both in numbers and capacity, seek the necessary budgetary allocation and obtain linkage by making sure that all the departments within the organization are steering in the same direction.ConclusionStrategy is about positioning oneself to win a war or a contest. The business environment has become a battle field or a race track. The starting point is to examine the value chain. This is an analysis of the activities through which a firm creates a competitive advantage in it must model the organization as a chain of values. The food company under study above, is bound to implement the disc ussed strategy of differentiation so that it can gain a competitive advantage against the other players in the market.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Death Of An Ice Cube - 1832 Words

The chilling sensation of an ice cube pressed to my ear, my friends excited laughter, a sharp stinging sensation, and then it was over. I had successfully pierced my cartilage despite my parent’s disapproval. This was the very first of many defiant acts that I would perform in the years to come. As I looked at my newly pierced ear the first emotion that flooded through me was satisfaction. I had successfully undermined my parents. They had drawn a line in the sand and I had jumped right over it. Then slowly, a second emotion started to trickle in, guilt. Not regret or remorse. Just guilt. I wasn t sorry for what I had done but I knew what punishment awaited me. Only weeks before I had asked for my parent’s permission to get the piercing and had received a hard â€Å"no†. So what had provoked me to go behind my parents back and do it anyways? Was it to spite them? To provoke a response? Had I done it for myself? Maybe I had something to prove to myself, to show the world that I was daring and rebellious. When my parents saw the newest metal addition to my â€Å"holy temple† they were furious as expected. Any normal parent would make their kid take out the piercing and ground them for god knows how long. I was grounded of course, and also lost my car privileges but the kicker was the unique punishment of finding, reading, and copying down 20 verses from the bible that talked about obeying one’s parents. I was raised in a very godly home. We went to church twice a week, memorizedShow MoreRelatedThe Movie Straight Outta Compton Directed By F. Gary Gray1706 Words   |  7 Pagesattention to Eazy-E, and makes sure that everything is put together for him. This caused Ice Cube to leave the group after the scene in which Heller and Eazy are having a nice lunch while Ice Cube and the other members of the group are having burgers. The scene is shot in a nice restaurant which is a contrast to where the group usually hung out. The scene shows Heller advising Eazy about getting more money but when Ice Cube asks about his, he gets told to wait. Heller focuses all his attention on the oneRead MoreStraight Out of Compton Review584 Words   |  3 Pagesyoung black men residing in Compton, California who rise unexpectedly to fame, using their viciously honest rhymes, die hard beats, and frustrations about their lifestyle in the streets of the hood. Active from 1986 to 1991 these six men Eazy-E, Ice Cube, Dr. Dre, Arabian Prince, MC Ren, and DJ Yella have endured enormous controversy owning to their explicit lyrics that many people have view as being disrespectful to women, drugs and crime, police, and gang violence. It’s hard to actively hateRead MoreHip Hop Nationalism Essay examples944 Words   |  4 Pagesinjustices occur to the black community, hip hop music became a pedestal to voice their opinions. For example, when Rodney King was brutally beat by the LAPD on March 3, 1991 (Decker 2008). The whole Rodney King incident consequently gave Ice Cube inspiration for his album Death Certificate. Hip hop artists are usually not involved in politics but are most strongly involved in the cultural politics which tie to the working and urban poor blacks. Eventually hip hop artists later regarded themselves by theRead More Freedom of Expression and Rap Music Essay1113 Words   |  5 Pagesyears ago a rapper by the name of Ice Cube created a very controversial album called Death Certificate. Billboards called Ice Cube a racist and tried to convince retailers not to sell his album. Taking it to extremes, the state of Oregon made it illegal to display Ice Cubes image in a retail outlet. ?Even though Ice Cubes c.d. Death Certificate got little to no airplay, and had a limited advertising budget of $18,000, the album reached #2 on the charts? (Zhar). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The New Frontier A Term Coined By John F. Kennedy

The Great Society The New Frontier : a term coined by John F. Kennedy during his presidential inaugural address on January 20th , 1961. This New Frontier referred to a nation without greed, without poverty, and without war. During this time, tensions between the United States and the USSR, were high. These tensions resulted in the Space Race, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the signing of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. On November 22nd, 1963, while on a campaign for reelection in Dallas, Texas, Kennedy was assassinated and the nation morned the loss of their executive leader. Hours later, Lyndon B. Johnson took office as President of the United States. Johnson came into office with plans to tackle the biggest problems which faced the United States, such as the civil rights movement and the unemployment rate. Former President, Lyndon B. Johnson, in his speech, The Great Society, outlined a set of reforms to help persuade the nation s youth to assist in creating a truly â€Å"great society† and propel the nation to greater heights. The purpose of the speech was to lay out a political plan for his upcoming presidential campaign. He adopts an elevated tone not only to pay homage to Kennedy, but to persuade the American voters to support him in the upcoming election. Johnson started off his speech by calling upon the members of the University of Michigan graduating class and the youth from all around the nation. He explained that this was their â€Å"country† and thatShow MoreRelatedHannah Runyan. Pellegrino. Block 2/3. 2 March 2017. Evolution1481 Words   |  6 PagesAmericans drastically shifted from wanting the basi cs in life as the ‘American Dream’ to wanting more than they ever thought was attainable; this fueled American spirits after the Great Depression and gave them something to aim for. 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Nurse Prospective of the Sea Inside Free Essays

Palliative care is the advanced care of patients who are terminally ill and are closer at their lives’ end. Symptom management, pain management, and the provision of social, spiritual and psychological support are carefully given by the practitioner, or by the one who is giving care to the sick person. Palliative care achieves to meet the goal of giving the best quality of life that they can give to the patient and to the patient’s family. We will write a custom essay sample on Nurse Prospective of the Sea Inside or any similar topic only for you Order Now Palliative care aims to impart to the patients that dying is a normal process that people undergo once in their lives. Practitioner offers support to patients to be able to live actively until the time of their death. And they aim to provide a system that will help the family cope during the patients’ illness and in their bereavement (â€Å"Palliative Care Explained â€Å"). The Sea Inside in a Nurse’s perspective The movie talks about the life of a quadriplegic. The main character Mr. Ramon Sampedro was a ship mechanic in his younger days. After the tragedy Ramon became bedridden because he restrains himself from being imprisoned by a wheelchair; he believed that being imprisoned by a wheelchair will be just imprisoning him with the scraps of his past. He was a man who had his own perspective and depicted life as his own, and that he had the right to end his life. He, Ramon Sampedro, was the only Spaniard who had requested for Euthanasia (Blaser, Jan. 5, 2005). Among the people who have taken care of Ramon was Manuela his sister-in-law, his father, his older brother Jose, and Gene. His legal counsel Julia gave him sympathy, she listened to Ramon’s sentiments and Ramon listened to her sentiments as well. This is because they share the same perspective that they wanted to â€Å"die with dignity.† The movie provided a general assessment of Palliative care. Each of Ramon’s family members gave justification to the concepts of Palliative care in general. Although there were some concepts of palliative care that were not given justification because Ramon doesn’t have his own nurse to do the Nursing care plan. Nursing care plan includes assessment; subjective and objective, nursing diagnosis, planning, interventions and evaluation. In Ramon’s case, assessment should have been done regularly. Subjective data includes information directly from the patient’s feelings while objective datas are those measured and observed by the physicians. After initial assesment, a problem list should be made consisting possible reasons that affects the patient’s well being qlike family problems, medical diagnosis and many others. Diagnosis comes when the collected datas relates to a certain illness or disease. In planning of interventions to be used, the preparation should be specific, attainable, measureable, realistic and time-bound. Intervension are the methods to be used in order to meet the goals in planning. It includes what medications to be applied, possible surgeries, etc. Every intervension has a rationale like why a nursing action should be done and what is its basis. And lastly, evaluation are written reports about the improvement of patient or the contrary. In evaluation it is stated whether the goals in planing is met, partially met, or not met (By Jane Urie). As shown in the movie, Ramon didn’t want to be loved because he believes that a person undergoing his illness would be creating misery to the person that loves him. This implies that Ramon is having psychological and emotional distress and should have been assessed by a physician to be able to bring him back to life. However, in Julia’s case it was shown that she had undergone observations and treatments when she developed a disease called Cadasil due to her series of strokes, therefore palliative care was well addressed. Pain control for instance was well established in the movie because there was a scene when Ramon was given tranquilizer to stabilize him. Although there was an error in giving him the medication, because if the medication was given by a nurse the nurse should have only given him an exact dosage of the tranquilizer, just one tablet not three. As a nurse exact dosage or amount of medicine should only be given to a patient to prevent overdose and complications. The conflict of the story is about the ethical and moral issues of Euthanasia. Today, euthanasia has been legalized. It was being applied in cases of hopelessness in the recovery of the patient. â€Å"Eu† means good and â€Å"thanator† means death, euthanasia therefore means good death or mercy killing. There are different classifications euthanasia: voluntary, non-voluntary, involuntary, assisted, euthanasia by action, and euthanasia by omission. In voluntary, the patient was the one who requested his death. In non-voluntary, the person who has been killed made no request and gave no consent. In involuntary, the patientmade an expressed wish to the contrary. Assisted Euthanasia is perform with the assistance of the physician or the relatives of the patient. Euthanasia by action makes use of lethal injection while euthanasia by omission is the process wherein the patient is no longer being provided with his needs like food, water, medication, etc. The reasons why it is being practiced are to diminish unbearable pain, the right to commit suicide, and the belief that people should not be forced to stay alive (â€Å"Voluntary Euthanasia † Apr 18, 1996). Ramon wanted to die. He said â€Å"Well, I want to die because I feel that a life in this condition has no dignity.† In the case of Ramon, who is quadriplegic, refusing to live shows that he was experiencing fatigue, depression, anxiety, and Dyspnea (maybe due yo lack of ventillation). Ramon believed that dying is an unevitable part of a man’s life and it is just normal to die. Due to his own beliefs Ramon passed a petition about legalizing suicide or the right to die. A paraplegic priest visited him to discourage his intention of suicide. His brother, Jose, also agrees with the priest and the church’s belief that suicide is immoral, that only God has the right to decide whether an individual should live or die. They believe that God has His reasons and purpose why a person still lives. It was Him wo gave you life, so it is also his decision to take it back. Thereof, this situation talks about morality (â€Å"The Sea Inside,†). As for the health providers, it also brings a great controversy whether to practice   Euthanasia or not. Health providers were trained to cure not to kill. And assisting a suicide contradicts the profession with the duty of â€Å"do no harm†. From the movie itself, cultural considerations and individual considerations was well established. There was a clear observation that the people around Ramon did not want to consider his attempt of killing himself. Ramon as an individual had also been given consideration; although his beliefs of death was unjust they still did not oppose to him because they considered his own perceptions and did not want to oppress his rights as an individual. For a nurse, I would consider his beliefs because it was his right but I would not help him accomplish his death. The tragic part of the story is that his family was well oriented and they have accepted that death is coming to Ramon. There was a scene in the movie wherein his father said â€Å"what’s worse having your son die on you, is the fact that he wanted to†. It only shows that he had accepted the death of his child but he had not accepted the fact that his son wanted to die. Ramon’s family had actually given him quality care and unconditional love. Although these were really not enough especially in the case of Ramon. From a nurse’s point of view, the care that the family could have been improved if there is a plan of care that was established. Ramon had supposedly had a life that is worth living. His family loved him and took care of him, he had a book published, two women were linked to him and the sympathy of the nation was on him but he refused all these and exchanged it to death. He had exchanged all the beautiful things he had in life because he justified his life as his. For years Ramon had actually internalized that death is in his hands and that he had the right to end his life. Generally speaking, Ramon had actually lived a life that is not worth living because he restraints himself from having so. As a nurse, I could have implied to Ramon that his life is worth living and that he need not to worry that he will be a big burden to his family and to the people he loved while he is living. It is not a nurse’s job to kill but rather to nurture. References Blaser, A. (Jan. 5, 2005). Bizzaro Breathing Lessons [Electronic Version] from By Jane Urie, B., MRPharmS, Helen Fielding, MSc, MRPharmS, Dorothy McArthur, MSc, MRPharmS, Moira Kinnear, MSc, MRPharmS, Steve Hudson, MPharm, FRPharmS, and Marie Fallon, MD, FRCP. Palliative care [Electronic Version] from Palliative Care Explained [Electronic Version] from The Sea Inside [Electronic Version] from Voluntary Euthanasia (Apr 18, 1996).             How to cite Nurse Prospective of the Sea Inside, Essay examples

Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Crucible written by Arthur Miller is a play th Essay Example For Students

The Crucible written by Arthur Miller is a play th Essay at takes place in the sixteen nineties during the famous but tragic witch trials. The entire community is in pandemonium yet certain characters are also fighting internal conflicts of their own. Miller uses three characters who manifest this internal battle ever so clearly. Such as Mary Warren who whole personality turns upside down, John Proctor who contemplates between the importance of his family and his own name and Reverend Hale who battles with himself wether to carry out his job requirements or do what he knows is right. Mary Warren is a girl who is forced with this inner turmoil throughout this play. At the outset of the play she is perceived to be a very shy girl who will never speak her mind as shown when Proctor sends her home and she responds with Im just going home (21).As the play continues and as she is influenced by Abigail, Mary begins to break this self induced mold and does what she wants. Mary Warren, along with many other girls gets caught up in the hype of getting all the attention and exercising power via initiating and adamantly continuing these witch trials. Finally John Proctor, the rationalist, shows that when people like Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor who are the saintliest of people are accused of being witches, something must be wrong. Mary Warren has a difficult decision to make. She has realized that her whole way of life has been based on injustice. However, how can she extricate herself from Abigail and her friends, not to mention her new feeling!s of confidence. Mary decides to speak out against Abigail and the others for their false accusations and said that she tried to kill me numerous times(57). Yet as she does this heroic act of overcoming her old reality, Abigail pretends that Mary is also a witch using the poppets against her(73). Mary is now faced with yet another grueling internal conflict: to do what she knows is right and probably die for it, or to return to her old ways. Mary succumbs to Abigails hypnosis and accuses John Proctor of forcing her to lie. Clearly the battle which Mary faced from the very beginning was enormous. We will write a custom essay on The Crucible written by Arthur Miller is a play th specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now John Proctor a farmer and village commoner similarly is faced with an inner turmoil. He has committed adultery and had absolutely no intentions of joining in the witch trials unless hi pregnant wife were to also get involved. After his wife got involved and eventually was set free due to the fact that she was pregnant feels that he cant accept this.Proctor is a good and noble man and because of this he believes at first he cant be hanged and die a martyr when he has this sin blooming over him every waking moment . John later says to Elizabeth that My honesty is broke, Elizabeth; I am no good man. Nothings spoiled by giving them this lie that were not rotten long before(136) and rather confess then die for something he flat out didnt do. However, as John confesses, he can not allow Danforth to make it officially documented. As Danforth asks him why John answers with a cry because it is my name. Because I cannot have another in my life . . . How may I live with!out my name? Have give n you my soul; leave me my name(143). John feels strongly about having a good name and not dying with a bad one.Proctor weighs both sides of his internal conflict and realizes that he must not make another mistake. He therefore, prescribes himself to death, not for his own sake, but rather for the sake of the others. As John dies Liz weeps saying He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it away(145). .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 , .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .postImageUrl , .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 , .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:hover , .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:visited , .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:active { border:0!important; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:active , .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9 .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufaed6ab7f5e5fe04e93deac4b0dcf6c9:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gay Parenting EssayAnother internal conflict is evident in Reverend Hale who initiates these problems. At first Reverend Hale is sure about his belief that there are witches and feels that he is carrying out the desires of G-D himself. Yet as the play moves on and Hale sees all these honest and good people being sentenced and executed he too sees an inner conflict. He contemplates whether to do what he is sent to do, listen to Danforth, or does he listen to his own conscience and denounce these proceedings as unjust and wrong. Hale decides to help out all the people wrongly accused by encouraging them to confess and save themselves from these false proceedings. Hale attemp ting to repent his own sins by tying to make people confess states I come to do the devils work. I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves . . . can you not see the blood on mt head(131). Hale overcomes his turmoil by following the truth he knew in his heart of hearts. Yet he is counseling people to !prevail upon your husband and confess and says God damns a liar less than he that throws his life away for pride and convinces people to lie which is against his religion and considered a moral sin. But he decides that earthly life is a greater gift than eternal life. Everybody throughout their lives are faced with inner conflicts. One must make a decision based on what they think is right and true. These three characters probably just faced the most important decision of their lives. Whether right or wrong their went with what they thought was the right decision within their heart of hearts.