Monday, September 30, 2019

Issues faced by womans

The whole situation in todays women orld leads to some basic questions. Do women feel insecure, unhappy and dissatisfied more than their predecessors? Why are they confused about women's role and position in modern society? Is employment making women economically strong. but socially and emotionally broken? what can be done to empower women? Is there any mld-way, which could make women secure, aware, confident and happy without disturbing the familial peace and social harmony? 1 . Why women are relegated to secondary position? Women comprise of 50% of the world population.It is an anomaly that though they possess diverse capabilities and are of valuable service in various nation-building activities, they had been relegated to secondary posltlon till very recent past by the modern society. why? Is It because they belong to weaker sex? or they are Incapable or Incompetent? Nay, It Is not so. 2. It is apolnt to ponder why modern women Is still Insecure and unhappy, despite attaining so much success in almost every sphere of modern world. Women have played multiple roles in life and in each role their performance is par excellence. StillWomen-folk have to suffer innuendo physical and emotional problems despite of all the changes and developments happened In the modern women's world, The position of women In real life Is sull far from satisfactory. There Is still a deep entrenched discrimination against them almost in every walk of life. It crosses all the borders, age of region, caste, class or community. 3. Why is she confused about what her role should be in real-life? 4. women In Eastern world 5. The eastern world, especially nations in Asla are still struggling to give to Its women their rightful place.Problems of high female mortality rate, sexual arassment, deaths during childbirths still exist there. There are millions of women who have go through sexual harassment, domestic violence, discrimination, abuse or are denied ot pleasures ot lite because ot their gender. Their problems are deeply Ingrained In the history, laws and cultures of complex and sophisticated Aslan societies. Why Indian women feel insecure In general? Generally women suffer deprivation, discrimination, humiliation and denial of basic human rights in varying degrees at some point or the other.Discrimination against them is at every stage ot lite and every where. It may be a girl child, a married woman, a single woman, a working woman, refugees or women belonging to lower, middle or upper strata of society. In India, women In general form one of the most vulnerable sections of Indian Society. Women are at disadvantage due to: Class oppression due to poverty, Economic dependence on male counterpart, Caste oppression due to inter caste clashes social taboos and Gender oppression Increasing number of crimes.Reasons for sufferings/insecurity of women-folk are many like – Indifferent attitude – The male-dominated society and callous government usually turns a blind eye to the ender issues. Mr. P. A. Sebastian, Secretary of the Committee for People's Democratic Rights, says, â€Å"Women have to face an uphill task for taking women's issues as, firstly most people are indifferent to atrocities that do not affect them, it is only a microscopic minority, which reacts. Secondly, the administration and Judiciary are very slow in reaching and taking any kind of measure and sometimes even stall the proceedings. Strains on modern families – A modern woman, when in need, does not find enough support systems to fall back on, which usually her own family used to provide earlier. Due to fast-pace of modern life, busy life-style, lack of time and other constraints on modern families, it has become almost impossible to get earlier kind of emotional or physical support. Many surveys show that a significant number of women leave workforce when they start a family. Maternity is usually seen as a disruption in career.There is a dramatic decline in the share of women as they move up the hierarchy. Growing intolerance amongst youths – The tolerance level of people is continuously decreasing. Aspirations and ambitions have increased beyond limits. Everybody wishes to touch the sky with least effort and with no loss of time. Failure in achieving one's targets due to one reason or the other, make a person intolerant and angry. Liberal ‘divorce' laws – In metros and modern families, marriages are no more considered to be a lifelong commitment.Intolerance amongst youth is increasing. A woman can not be sure due to lack of mutual understanding, how long her marriage will last. It does not take much time or effort for both the couple to walk out. A little bit of intolerance or misunderstanding puts her married status in danger and compels her to cope up with all kinds of problems and difficult situations single- handedly. Adversities of life arising out of economic, social, psychological and environmental situatio ns hit women's world worst.During times of war, struggle, unstable economy, natural calamities and infghting amongst various sections of society or inter-group or intra-group clashes, women along-with children are the primary victims and are worst hit. At times in an attempt to safeguard/uphold their independence/authority within the family or at working place, some women become insensitive, narrow minded and sometimes ruthless. Too much of assertion of their independence or authority create complications in their own life and in others' lives s well, which ultimately develop insecurity in women' s minds.Government of India has made some draconion laws in favour of women with an intention to protect them from violence and discrimination. Instead of gaining the sympathy of society or the opposite sex, they have earned the wrath/ire of menfolk and the society. Such laws are being misused by some shrewd women to teach men/society a lesson. Male members or his relatives can not even rai se their voice against the misuse of such legislations. Government's inefficiency/failure to implement honestly and sincerely the laws passed to protect the interests of women.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Key Aspects Of Management Theory And Practice

Management can be defined as the art of creating industrial relations of any kind, between people engaged in the industry, such as relation between employers and employees, relation between individuals entering into commercial contracts, relation between investors and debtors etc, in order to maintain true cooperation of all concerned.Efficiency of management lies in not only making the employees to work, but to make them work willingly, sincerely and consciously, by employing new knowledge, new methods, new designs, new machines and novel techniques of production and by allaying mistrust and antagonism.There exist several aspects of Organizational management such as Build an Organization Based on Values, How to Make Values Live in the Organization, Change Management Wisdom , to bring about Development and Change in the Organization, to Defined and Explored Organization Development, Build a Mentoring Culture, Force Field Analysis, provide Online Facilitation for Impersonal Facilitato rs, Explore the New Science of Complexity, to apply a Strategic Framework in the organization, How to Implement Strategic Planning: Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Values, More.(Manning, 279) Objective of the report All the aspects of organizational management are equally inevitable for not only growth and developing of the organization but also for frenzied free functioning of the organization. Among the basic aspects of management the relation between Organization and Human Resources, and Operational Aspects of Management are taken into consideration in this report.The main objective of the report is to provide a brief analysis of strategies developed and applied in context of the above mentioned two aspects of organizational management in well established and renown companies like HR3 Pty Ltd, a company with an enviable track record in Australia, and Chemical Resources Limited, a company in New Zealand renown for it’s world-class chemical products. Main features of th e aspects of organizational managementThe relation between the management of the organization and Human Resources present in the organization plays a crucial role in not only expansion and development of the organization however as well for quandary free performance of the organization. The main features of the aspect are Personnel administration Human relations and motivation, Training and development, Performance appraisal, Organizational development, Legal concerns, Work force diversity, Recruiting and selecting, Compensation and benefit, Collective bargaining, etc.Under the Operational Aspects of Organizational Management the issues like production, dispatch, marketing, application of contemporary technologies are taken into consideration. The main features of Operational Aspects of Organizational Management are, such as, Operations planning and control, Work scheduling, Total Quality Management (e. g. , TQM), Information processing and management , Strategic planning and analys is , Productivity, etc. (Border, 375)Description of the main features of the Operational Aspects of Organizational Management Operations planning and control research mostly deals with the plan, scrutiny and control of individual organisational entities and networks of such organisational entities. Operations planning and control in an organisational entity is associated with the responsibility for achieving its own set of objectives with respect to cost, quality and time by using the materials and resources that are allocated to it over time.The Operational Aspects of Organizational Management takes account of two subprograms, such as, supply chain management and production management. A functioning of a planning and control impression developed under the organizational management system is called a Logistic Control System. A Logistic Control System replicates the characteristics of products, demand, manufacturing proficiency and materials supply, and is relevant to the control of the flows of capital and materials to serve demand. A Logistics Control System replicates the suitable planning control ladder.The planning and control functions in a Logistics Control System take account of the following issues, such as Resource planning and control, Materials coordination , Workload control and order acceptance, Work order scheduling and dispatching, etc. Resource planning, Information processing and management and material synchronization are logistics control functions that are components of the supply chain management. Workload control, order recognition, work order scheduling and sending off are logistics control functions at the production unit level. (Kumar, 334)Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management line of attack is designed at entrenching consciousness of quality in all organizational processes. Total Quality is a people focused management system that aims at persistent amplification in customer satisfaction at incessantly lower real costs. Strate gic planning and analysis is the broadly defined as the key approach an organization uses to achieve its goal and drive toward the vision. Objectives and action plans usually flow from each strategy. Both people and organizations are required to establish a strategic framework for significant success.This framework consists of the values that members of the organization manifest in every day decision making, and the standards or relationship guiding principles like a vision for the future of the organization, a goal that defines the basic purpose and objective of the organization, values that shape the approaches of the in pertaining it’s goal, policies that zero in on the key success approaches of the organizations, and objectives and action plans to guide the daily, weekly and monthly actions of the organizations, which off the record define how employees work together with each other and customers, are also visible.(Knott, 188-9) Description of the main features of the rel ation between the management and Human Resources in the organization The emphasis should be on good relationships and sound terms and conditions of employment between employees and the organization with consent of both the parties. Determining the work-pay relationship with the method of Collective bargaining is too back dated and should be removed from the organizations. It is required by the organisation to reveal its gratitude and recognition of their efforts of its employees.Individuals and groups of employees should be rewarded properly for their particular contributions in the organization. The package rewards may include both tangible and intangible rewards. Working in a renowned and progressive company, which can be pride of an employee can be a significant reward element. The participation of the whole staff in the process decisions making in the workplace can boost up the interests of the employees. This authorize the employees in their duties and give emphasis to team wor k, creativity, innovation, and discretion in solving problems, improvement in quality of production etc.As the purpose of any organization is to thrive and be persistent in its endeavours, every employee of the organization must appreciate it, realize the competitive nature of the business, try to solve problem and take possession of their contribution to presentation and quality, which is totally focused on customer service. Managers must be efficient and intelligent. Let us take the example of Peters and Waterman, who in â€Å"In Search of Excellence† thought of â€Å"being visible† and â€Å"management by walkabout†. The dexterity and expertise of managers should support the endeavours of the Staffs.Staffs should feel that they are guided by the managers in perusing their duties. By sound management techniques the ambitions of participative leadership and the human relations school can be achieved. (Cunningham, 24-5) According to the assumptions of the modern approach in management, organizations should have the capacity to influence their members as well as bind them together in a composite unit, as a family or a community. Few guidelines prescribed by the unitary approach are: Management should have recognition towards the efforts of the workers, and have co-operative attitudes towards them.The emphasis should be on working together as a team to achieve the ultimate purpose. TO pursue this goal management should compromise and understand the purposes and values of the employees. Disagreement and unconcealed divergences between management and employees, disruptive behaviour and even strike action of the employees and such problems in an organization can be alleviated using the â€Å"unitary† frame of reference. This approach is helpful in curing unnecessary, deviant damage of the organisation.The staff of a suffering organization should be made to realize that stoppages and obstructions are meaningless. The benefits of lingering useless momentary disagreements and conflicts disturb the environment of the organization. (Dollard, 116-7) Misinterpretation and Passions that procreate conflict are indeed enhanced by detrimental, marginal splinter groups and provocateurs. The unitary frame of reference portrays management as a perfect guardian of the employees, having the paramount interests in well being of the staff, at heart.Decisions are taken with consent of the employees Of course misunderstandings and incongruity may arise from time to time but these are not helped by marginal splinter groups and provocateurs who distort the efforts of management. Effectiveness of the management can be judged by its capacity to bind the workers and at a time keep them satisfied, to fulfil a greater cause of success of the business. Efficient and participative managements can keep the employees satisfied and interested in progress of the company.With good will, rationality and sensitive communication the organizations can keep trade unions away and survive securely. Because of poor and irrational practices of the managements and lack of communication between the employees and the management, workers unite against the managements to form trade union, which can fight for their causes and interests. (Dos, 47-48) Analysis of Management Theory of HR3 Pty Ltd Though HR3 is a relatively new name in Human Resources Management systems, but it's also one with a desirable track record in Australia.HR3 Pty Ltd was in the beginning named as Data scope Systems Pty Ltd. At first established in the year1984, company name was again changed in month of October in the year 2002 to make visible the evolution of the company and as well the software systems to fulfil the Human Resource and payroll management requirements the of Australian businesses. The business strategies followed by the company: Following the policies of strategic planning and analysis the company HR3 has developed its business plans.As a result, from the time since 1984 evolution and revolution continuously took place in the company, but one thing has remained steady in Australia’s Human Resources software marketplace is the reputation that HR3 has been developing and supplying payroll and personnel software to the Australian market. With the unequalled experience in developing Win pay, HR3 has developed a wider collection of products to put forward not only to the Australian business but as well to business through out the globe a system that can amalgamate Payroll, Time & Attendance, Employee Self-Service, Human Resources and OH&S.Joining together these key areas, companies all over the world can now manage their employees with greater ease. The Win pay payroll produced by this company has helped thousands of Australian companies in managing their payroll and personnel information in a better way. The longevity of this company can be attributed to their core focus on their customer’s requirements. The management of this company is constantly striving to make certain that its research and development efforts live up to the company motto of Evolutionary Human Technology.An Operations planning and control research programme was developed over the last two decades in this company. From a programme that focuses on perception and consistent terminology to a programme that throws light on the actual functioning of these concepts, articulated in quantitative models and experienced in in-depth case studies. An functioning of a planning and control perception is called a Logistic Control System. A Logistic Control System as well reflects the characteristics of products, demand, manufacturing technology and materials supply, and pertain to the control of the flows of resources and materials to serve demand.A Logistics Control System also reflects the apposite planning control hierarchy of the company. The main action plans followed by the management of the company are as such, set up a cross section o f professionals as a committee and get together to plan the sessions, settle on budget, Perform HRAGD member needs assessment, decide on topics based on member requirements assessment, and establish outstanding speakers, Pick speaker and negotiate workshop length, pay, topic and objectives, settle on location and agenda the seminar and plan advertising approach, and so forth.HR3 take account of a wide range of reporting options and a spontaneous, simple to use interface that will add to improved management efficiency and information access. The performances of multiple production units involved in the creation of products or services in this company are coordinated as such by some unit at a higher level in the company that owns all production units concerned, by some body that has been given harmonization power by all owners of production units concerned, by bilateral or multilateral accords between the proprietors of the company concerned.The management refers to the hierarchical h armonization of the activities of the production units involved in the release of products or services to a market, such that customer service requirements are met at minimal cost. The concept of hierarchical coordination has been interpreted generally as well, ranging from strictly hierarchical, that is top-down, coordination to absolutely decentralized decision making.At supply chain level production units are considered black boxes with, perhaps item-dependent, input-output descriptions, such as capability, throughput time distribution and value-added. (Goddard, 433-5) Value Statements followed by the company Of course business requires a widening range of management tools and hold ups. With Human Resources making such profound management demands on business, better systemisation unavoidably leads to greater efficiency and productivity.The company maintains Integrity by maintaining credibility by making certain that its actions always match its words. The management of the compan y respects each employee’s right to be involved, to the greatest degree probable or required, in making informed decisions about his or her health and plans. The management of the company accepts personal liability to efficiently utilize organization resources, improve its systems, and help others to improve their effectiveness.The company following the values recognition and alignment sessions and accord on the values, leaders, with staff, communicate and converse the job and organizational values often with staff members, set up organizational objectives that are grounded in the recognized values, model personal work behaviours, judgment making, contribution, and interpersonal communication that reflect the values, interpret the values into prospects, priorities, and behaviours with colleagues, reporting staff, and self, link contribution in the implementation of the values and the behaviours that consequence, to standard presentation feedback and the presentation improveme nt process, reward and recognize staff members whose actions and accomplishments reflect the values in action within the association, hire and endorse persons whose viewpoints and performances are harmonious with these values, and get together at regular intervals to talk about how the group is doing by means of living the recognized values. Human resource strategies followed by the company The company has the capacity to influence its members as well as bind them together in a composite unit, as a family or a community. Few guidelines followed by the company are, as such, Management of this company has recognition towards the efforts of the workers, and have co-operative attitudes towards them. The emphasis is be on working together as a team to achieve the ultimate purpose.TO pursue this goal management should compromise and understand the purposes and values of the employees. Disagreement and unconcealed divergences between management and employees, disruptive behaviour and even strike action of the employees and such problems in an organization can be alleviated using the â€Å"unitary† frame of reference. This approach is helpful in curing unnecessary, deviant damage of the organisation. The staff of a suffering organization in this company is made to realize that stoppages and obstructions are meaningless. The benefits of lingering useless momentary disagreements and conflicts disturb the environment of the organization.Misinterpretation and Passions that procreate conflict are indeed enhanced by detrimental, marginal splinter groups and provocateurs. The unitary frame of reference portrays management as a perfect guardian of the employees, having the paramount interests in well being of the staff, at heart. Decisions are taken with consent of the employees Of course misunderstandings and incongruity may arise from time to time but these are not helped by marginal splinter groups and provocateurs who distort the efforts of management. Effectivenes s of the management of this company can be judged by its capacity to bind the workers and at a time keep them satisfied, to fulfil a greater cause of success of the business.Efficient and participative managements can keep the employees satisfied and interested in progress of the company. With good will, rationality and sensitive communication the organizations can keep trade unions away and survive securely. Because of poor and irrational practices of the managements and lack of communication between the employees and the management, workers unite against the managements to form trade union, which can fight for their causes and interests. (*Drake, 153-55) Analysis of Management Theory of Chemical Resources Limited Chemical Resources Limited, a renowned company in New Zealand, is the name behind world-class chemical products.This company supplies quality chemical products at outstanding prices, and makes available extensive, professional services associated with the manufacturing, p ackaging, storing and distribution of specialist, high-risk products. Safe, secure and professionalism is the objective of this company. Chemical Resources is a leader in the handling and manufacture of chemicals. The business strategies followed by the company Chemical Resources Limited proficiency is formulating, manufacturing, packaging, storing and distributing chemicals. This company’s specialization is working intimately with both international organizations, and local companies, to source quality products at pragmatic prices, on time, every time. Establishing long-term customer partnerships that deliver significantly better business outcomes is our founding philosophy.Chemical Resources Limited operates in a wide range of fields such as bulk solvent, water based timber preservatives, acids, alkalis, DIY products, cleaning products, chemical intermediates, raw material conversion, re-packing , re-bagging , container de vanning, storage and distribution. Strategies of th is company can be generally defined four or five key approaches the company uses to achieve its mission and drive toward the vision. Goals and action plans usually flow from each strategy. This company possesses Goals or better said SMART goals, which are the goals with specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. This company sometimes consider setting one goal to hold a monthly chapter meeting. Another goal that supports their strategies is to schedule a relevant seminar quarterly. Another goal might include holding informal dinners and cocktail hours to support voluntary member exchange.Some strategies followed by the company are to EXPAND its customer base and enhance the franchise by pursuing multimedia opportunities, DELIVER an award-winning level of excellence, building public interest, trust and pride, PROVIDE vigorous leadership and support in the market, INSTILL an environment of internal and external excellence in customer service, EMPOWER and recognize eac h employee's unique contribution, ACHIEVE the highest standards of quality, IMPROVE financial strength and profitability. The goals of this company are simple, such as speed, equality and competitive price. Commodities have become international for this company and the impact of engineering is significant. In this company, the learning curve in engineering has become an unaffordable luxury.Competitive market pressures mandate finding ways to reduce the total time required to introduce new products in the market. Competition along with more complex production and distribution environments requires identifying and reducing necessary costs, such as costs associated with development, manufacturing, distribution and service. Value Statements followed by the company This company’s culture is partially the outward demonstration of the values currently existing in its workplace. In this company efforts are given to identify the values that at present exist in the workplace, settle on if these are the accurate values for your workplace, and modify the actions and behaviours by which the values are established, if essential.The following Steps in a Values Identification Process is followed in this company to recognize organization values and bring together its executive group and management to learn about and talk about the power of shared values, obtain consensus that these leaders are dedicated to creating a value-based workplace, define the responsibility of the executives in leading this process; and provide written material the executives can share with their reporting staff, Share any written materials as well as the spirit and context of the executives’ values discussion with every individual in your reporting group, endorse the underlying principle for, necessitate for, and preferred organizational impact of the process, Make certain your reporting staff members understand the importance of their participation in the process, Assure that every memb er of your reporting group is signed up for and attends a session, Answer questions and provide feedback about any staff concerns to the rest of the managerial or cross-functional group leading the process. Human resource strategies followed by the company Some human recourse strategies followed by the company are, as such, the employees in this company are the considered as most valued assets of this company, essential participants with a shared responsibility in fulfilling our mission. The management of this company recognizes that the quality, motivation and performance of its employees are the key factors in achieving its success.Accordingly, this company’s Human Resources policies and practices are built on Dedication to assisting every employee in reaching his or her full prospective in both presentation and reward, dedication to assortment, one and the same opportunity and fair treatment, Promotion based on merit and from within whenever possible, This company endeavou rs its organizational structure and culture to endorse employee involvement, open communication, teamwork and cooperation. Working conditions in some sections of this industry are very hazardous. The precipitation areas in this company have caustic vapours these cause skin problems. In some sections of this industry people work in fluoride environment . Continuous exposure to fluoride leads to a disease Fluoric in which bones and teeth are effected. In all these less attention is paid towards the interests of their workers, hence the relation between the management and the workers get seriously damage. The Human Resources department of the company formulated strategies to develop a superior workforce.These included eliminating poor performers, hiring from several choices of excellent candidates, not just â€Å"settling† on a candidate but also developing series of planning and escalating training and cross-training opportunities in the company. The Human Resources Management (HRM) purpose take account of a several activities, and the most important among them is making a decision what staffing requirements one have and whether to use autonomous contractors or take into service employees to meet these needs, appointing and training the most excellent employees, making sure that they are better performers, handling performance related problems, and ensuring that the human resources and administrational practices do the accepted thing to various set of laws.Actions also take account of supervising the steps taken towards employee benefits and reimbursements, employee accounts and personnel guiding principle. (Bell, 271-3) In conclusion it could be stated that the art of management contains the observation and study of facts, on which the integration of ideas are dependent. As the pace of change continues to augment, transformation in management is a primary competency required by managers, supervisors, Human Resources staff, and organization leaders. Thus management forms the building stone of an organization. References: Bell, L; Man and Management Techniques (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2006) pp 271-3 Border, S; Human Resource Strategies: Games People Play (Remote Publishing Trust; 2004) pp 375Cunningham, S A; Introduction to Human Resource Management (DLTT Publications Ltd. 2005) pp 24-5 Drake, S; Evaluation of Techniques In Management (ABP Ltd. 2006) pp 153-55 Dos, M; Advent of Motivation (Alliance Publications; 2005) pp 47-48 Dollard, John; Zenith and Zero Point (New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2004) pp 116-7 Goddard, J; Management: Making the Most Out of It (Howard & Price. 2006) pp 433-5 Knott, P; Development of Management as a Science (Dasgupta & Chatterjee 2005) pp 188-9 Kumar, H; Win Some, Lose None (HBT & Brooks Ltd. 2005) pp 334 Manning, C S; Principals and Practices: Human Resources Today (National Book Trust. 2004) pp 279

Friday, September 27, 2019

Development of Arab Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Development of Arab Film - Essay Example However, the Quran does not have instructions on the subject giving Arab cinema creators a chance to come up with pieces that include a man and beast character. The cinema producers are prohibited by Islam from using images that are works of Satan. The minor religious objection led to the development of film in Arab. Symbolism is used to develop relations between characters and the plot of the films. Traditional Arab culture did not recognize symbolism in both fine arts and literary genres such as classical poetry ( Shafik 61). Lack of symbolism recognition in Arab films then paved way for western film influence. The films began to integrate symbols into Arab’s literary creations. The process brought meaning to symbols used in Arab fills that would depend on different elements to fix images. The influence of western films came in to teach the directors how to come up with symbols with unambiguous statements. The major forms or elements of popular theatre in Arab films include performers, audience, director, theatre space, design elements, and dramatic action personified in the text. The elements were initially developed by the activities of the actors, actresses, and directors who combined effort to create plays with public appeal. For instance, a play such as Kish Kish bey was adapted for the film but the play was a success due to a combined effort of the stars (Shafik 72). The films were directed for Arab and international audience after World War II. The dramatic actions, design elements, and arrangement of theatre space were influenced by elements of European theatre.  

Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Not sure - Essay Example This figure appears as a halo or ring around the head of the sanctified. Moreover, in many religious systems we can find some degree of syncretism. Islam and Confucianism are clearly the hardest to syncretize with each other. Indeed they do have certain similarities between them, but still it is more difficult to syncretize the two as compared to Judaism or Buddhism with Confucianism. Confucianism was brought about by K’ung Fu Tzu (Confucius). He travelled all over China and advised the rulers. He usually preached about morals and ethical values, and how political power should be exercised properly. According to Confucianism it is important for a person to have etiquette; he should be righteous; he should act benevolently with everyone and this, Tzu considered to be the most important virtue; there should be love among family members; and lastly, a person should show his loyalty toward his country. All these features are part and parcel of almost every religion, although in varying importance. Every religion teaches one to be good and treat others well too. However, Confucianism focuses only on this aspect of life. Confucianism is not an actual religion with God to pray to. It is basically more of an ethical system that has clarified certain traditions and rituals to be followed at the important periods of one’s life; for instance, birth, maturity, marriage and death. Islam, on the other hand, is a monotheist religion. This means there is one God that the followers of Islam pray and worship. The Muslims believe that He created the universe and He is omnipotent. Islam is, comparatively, a very young religion. Muslims also believe in the previous prophets, Abraham, David, Moses and Jesus, and consider Muhammad to be the last of the prophets of God. However, they do not consider Jesus to be the son of God as it is their belief that God

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 15

Business Ethics - Essay Example The leadership style of Robert Nardelli is described as autocratic and directive. He was a task oriented and directive leader who employed severe strictness and inflexibility in Home Depot during his tenure as the CEO in the organization. The leadership style of Nardelli was characterized by centralized control without considering the behavior and acceptance of the employees and the customers. The incorporation of extensive technologies and new organizational procedures harmed Home Depot bringing down its stock prices in the long term and negatively affecting the shareholders. Though the immediate effects of his leadership were not erosive but after few years the growth of the company slowed down to a great extent due to the increased dissatisfaction of the employees as well as the customers of Home Depot (Baack, 2012). The management style of Nardelli was criticized to be inflexible and callous. But the leadership style of Nardelli was much influenced by his tenure at GE as a result of which he focused more on technology and goal driven business plans. But this kind of leadership was not suitable in the retail industry as the leadership style required in Home Depot needed to be more people oriented creating better employee and customer satisfaction. The reputation of home Depot suffered and the share prices feel whereas the competitor companies succeeded through the creation of better customer experience and satisfaction levels. Home Depot needed a constructive and participative leadership style as opposed to the autocratic leadership style of Nardelli. Due to the directive leadership style of Nardelli, the financial metrics of the company improved initially but the metrics of customer service and employee satisfaction declined. Home Depot need a situational leadership from the CEO but Nardelli was not able to respond to the requirements of the changing situation related to the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nursing Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nursing Education - Essay Example Individual teachers and nursing professional were the key players in the realization of the early modernization of the nursing in the country. Foundations from America set up medical facilities facilitating to the increase in the spread of nursing in the country. Chinese modern nursing edification saw an early start compared to the other countries. Politically the government of China faced a period of nursing halt after the abolishment of the practice. When the government that abolished the practice collapsed in 1977, the practice came back to normal but left a gap of 30 years deficit in practice and development of the nursing profession. Therefore, China’s nursing practice was significantly influenced by the political climate particularly the revolution. Ireland on the other hand was the last developed country to incorporate nursing into the university. The nightingale model of practice influenced nursing in Ireland. Since the profession was seen as subordinate to the needs o f the healthcare services. The prerequisite for development in the nursing education was acknowledged in a number of Irish administration policies. The decision to revolutionize the system in the country saw Irish nursing system come to parity with countries like U.S and New Zealand. However, the decision came because of profound factors of the political, economical, healthcare system and on the edification of the professionals who worked in the system. The reforms were called for due to the significant development in the country during the second half of the 20th century. Conversely, the countries entry into the European Economic Community forced more reforms into the nursing system in the country. The apprenticeship model was being faced out from the learning system. Government and Nursing Organizations Influencing Nursing Education in comparison to China and Poland Several organizations in the government provide assistance to the education modification process in China. These org anizations deal with the registration of the nursing population and edification of the nursing population. The Chinese department of health is the policy maker in the medical organizations. At present, the Chinese nursing association (CNA) is the main governing body in the nursing education of the country. Moreover, the national nursing licensure examination is one of the required credentials that one needs before one is declared a nurse. The Traditional Chinese medicine is incorporated in the Chinese system in order to find the basic professional practice in the system. Alternatively, Ireland has the health department that gives the guidelines on the running of the Irish healthcare system. Apart from the government involvement, Irish nursing system does not have many organizations for nursing. The ‘Bord Altranais’ is the Irish nursing board that determines the nursing profession’s continuity in the country. Current System of Nursing Education in comparison to Ch ina and Poland The current situation in education of Chinese nurses is a result of the recognized disparity in the education provision of the country and other developed nations. The government is focused on the upgrade of the countries education programmes to lift the condition of the countries education prospects. The current system lacks the maturity of the competence in the secondary nursing graduates to provide the adequate patient care. However, the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research Paper (How conflicts effect an economy, focusing on

(How conflicts effect an economy, focusing on Afghanistan) - Research Paper Example Development indicators are some variables to measure when determining the level of a country’s economic growth. For instance, life expectancy can be a development indicator, and it is a variable that is easy to measure. Another hypothesis in this study can focus on conflict conditions that affect economic development. In this case, the hypothesis can be "conflicts leads to political instability creating conditions that do not favor economic growth". This can be an alternative hypothesis and the reason for setting for the research question is that it gives measurable variables. It is easy to conduct interviews and collect opinions of the Afghanistan business people about what political instability implies for their investment. Therefore, the research has both general and alternative hypothesis and prefers them since the variables easy to measure. The research will not be complete without good conceptualization of the design and approach to the study. In the conceptualization stage, researchers attempt to define their study to the details or they make it as clear as possible2. In this case, it will be necessary to dig deep about conflicts. The word conflict has different meanings depending on the context that individuals use it. In general terms, conflict refers to the state of disagreement between two or more people. In civic terms, a conflict refers to differences in ideologies between one or two people. However, the term conflicts bring the image of battle and wars in the country, society or a community. Therefore, this study refers to conflicts in terms of war and raging battles. The aspect of conflicts that the study seeks to cover is economic implications of wars and battles. In the Afghanistan for instance, conflicts have been responsible for many problems in the country ranging from insecurity to slow economic growth. Conflicts in this context refer to the situation where the country

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Relationship between the investment in Petrochemical Industries Research Proposal

The Relationship between the investment in Petrochemical Industries and Economic Development - Research Proposal Example Changing the production means refers to the correction of faults in the structure of the economy or elimination that problem (Omar Mohyee Adeen, 1976). One of the major factors that affect the changes in the national economy is that of investment decisions (Krosinsky, and Robins, 2008). Often the discovery of an abundant natural resource in one country leads to tremendous investment in the resource and decline in the manufacturing sector. This scenario which is called the Dutch disease is a common effect in developing as well as developed countries. It is necessary that the development of an industry following the discovery of a natural resource is accompanied with a balanced development of manufacturing and the small industries. This will lead to generation of employment and diversification of the source’s income. With the availability of abundant raw materials, natural gas and cheap workforce the petrochemical industry is the best industry that shall be developed to grow the economy (Rooney, 2005; Sari, 2009). With this framework, it will be interesting to analyze if there is any relationship between the investments in petrochemical industry and economic growth. Besides this, the author will try to find out the possibility of a Dutch Disease taking place in the Libyan economy. The author will also try to find out the possible ways to prevent it and achieve a balanced growth of economy. The aim of this research is to understand and explore the potential impact of the discovery of petrochemical industry resources in Libya. The author aims to achieve the following objectives through the research: The effect of the development of petrochemical industry on other industrial sector’s size and profitability. In particular, the author aims to find out the affect on smaller and manufacturing industries. Often, the discovery of a natural resource in abundance leads to high economic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business Strategy Kerry Group Essay Example for Free

Business Strategy Kerry Group Essay In 1972 Kerry Group started its operation in Listowel, Co. Kerry. In 1974 Kerry Group has been formally established as Kerry Cooperative Creameries Limited in County Kerry, Ireland. The company grew in less than 30 years from this small provincial dairy for one of the world leaders in specialty food ingredients producers and distributors. During the 1970s, the company expanded to include a large number of dairy farms and processing plants in the counties of Cork, Killarney, Galway and Limerick. Between 1979 and 1985, Kerry has built a lot of confidence in their abilities and technologies. During the 1980s the business strategy of the organization was based on organic growth with a focus on diversification. With that Kerry began branching out from its core dairy products in other categories of food. The company had its growth through acquisitions including a number of manufacturing facilities and other food processing, located throughout Ireland and Northern Ireland. In 1986 with Denis Brosnan as chief executive, the cooperative decided to become a full-fledged company, listing its shares on the Irish Stock Exchange. The newly public company reported strong growth after its first  full year of operations, with revenues nearing IR £ 300 million, and net profits of nearly IR £ 6.3 million. Before the end of the decade Brosnan managed to double the sales of the company maintaining its Expansion in Ireland with the acquisition of 1986 Snowcream Moate Dairies, and the formation of a division of convenience foods, bringing the company into this increasingly prominent market. Alongside this movement was the intensification of business Kerry special ingredients. At the same time, Kerry also established presence in the United States, the opening of a processing facility dairy product, Jackson, Wisconsin in 1987. In the 1990s Kerry Group continued to expand its business into the UK from the acquisition of new businesses to the already existing portfolio company. Kerrys acquisition drive continued into the late 1990s, bringing the company into France, Italy, Poland, Malaysia, Brazil. Two important acquisitions highlighted Kerrys expansion. The first came in 1994 when the company acquired the business of food processing DCA, bringing the company to a position outstanding among North Americas specialty ingredients producers. The DCA purchase also introduced it to the Australian and New Zealand markets. The opportunity for renewed expansion came in February 1998, when the Kerry Group announced its agreement to purchase the food ingredients businesses of the U.K.s Dalgety PLC. Kerry acquired Dalgety Food Ingredients plants in the United Kingdom and in Hungary and the Netherlandsnew markets for Kerry well as plants in France, Italy, and Germany. The Dalgety acquisition firmly established Kerry as the top specialty ingredients producer in Europe, and one of the worlds leaders in its specific categories. Kerry was now turning its attention to two new markets: the Far East and South America both markets represent a huge potential new customer, both for the companys products and food brands, and products for their  ingredients. Companys initial forays into these markets include acquisitions of plants in Malaysia and Brazil, while the company predicted that these markets are reaching some 25 percent of the companys revenue at the beginning of the next century. Strategic Levels According to Porter Porter in Montgomery (1998) corporate strategy is the general plan for a diversified company, which has two levels of strategy: the strategy of the business unit (or competitive), and corporate strategy (or entire corporate group). To Christensen in Fahey Randall (1999), corporate strategy is one that is concerned with three major issues to be faced by the managers of the corporation: 1. The corporate scope: that complex business corporation should attend? 2. The relationship between its parts: on what basis the business units of the corporation should relate to each other? 3. Methods for managing the scope and relationships: that specific methods acquisitions, strategic alliances, divestitures, and others will be adopted to effect specific changes in corporate scope and relationships?

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Presidio San Elizario Essay Example for Free

The Presidio San Elizario Essay It is one of the oldest communities in the El Paso Area. The community was established during the late 1700’s. A presidio was built in the area in order to protect the Spanish settlers from the attacking Apache and Comanche Indian raiders. The exact date of when the presidio of San Elizario was first built remains a debate between many local historians. One well known area historian, Metz, writes, â€Å"The original presidio was built around 1773 and that the original chapel was built of mostly adobe and some wood, and took approximately 40 years to construct. Most of the work was done by prisoners, some of them Indian, mostly Apache. (254). As noted by an online source, the presidio itself was surrounded by a double wall of adobe measuring 13 feet tall by seven feet wide. Inside were barracks for soldiers and special officer quarters. Also within the fort were family residences, corrals, store rooms, and a small chapel. This small chapel was built in a box pattern reflecting the early â€Å"European colonialism. † (San Elizario). The chapel has gone through major changes throughout its history, yet still remains close to its original location to this day. As historian John O. West notes, the San Elizario Presidio is often mistaken as a mission. However, the presidio of San Elizario was not created to convert the local natives to Christianity, but in fact was created as a fort or presidio to protect the Camino Real and other area settlements from Apache and Comanche Indian raiders. (19). An online source also notes that the presidio was involved in numerous military engagements and natural disasters which forced its movement many times throughout it’s early history. (Reyes). According to another historian, Douglas Kent Hall, â€Å"The presidio was moved 37 miles up the Rio Grande in 1780 to its current site. † (131). According to another internet source, â€Å"During the early 1830’s the unpredictable Rio Grande River changed course, virtually isolating San Elizario and its surrounding communities as an island in the middle of the Rio Grande. † (San Elizario). After the US-Mexico War of 1846-1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed, establishing the Rio Grande River as the boundary between Texas and Mexico. This left San Elizario to become part of what is now the state of Texas. San Elizario is steeped in both Texas, and Hispanic history. Still remaining today, the San Elizario presidio and chapel has moved many times and gone through many changes since its original construction. One online source notes, in 1829, the Rio Grande flooded completely destroying the â€Å"Chapel at San Elizario. † (San Elizario). A different Website points out that the chapel that stands in the same location today was rebuilt in 1882. (Kohut). Another online source notes, the exterior has changed little from its original construction. The main difference was in the change of the front â€Å"facade,† as this added to the, â€Å"early European colonial,† influence on the contemporary construction of the time. A fire destroyed much of the interior of the chapel in 1935. The inside has undergone dramatic changes since then, again reflecting the influence of â€Å"European architectural style. † With â€Å"pressed-tin† covering the original ceiling covers and beams. Several additions have also been made to the exterior of the chapel. For instance, an orchard has been added to the east side of the chapel and the surrounding plaza. More adobe structures have also been added to the surrounding area in order to add to the formality of the area. The formal rectangular patterned streets and building orientation â€Å"reflects the elements of early Spanish colonialism. † In 1944 the chapel was repainted in order to honor the local soldiers who fought overseas in World War II. (San Elizario). A local college student writes in the Borderlands Website that a â€Å"major restoration of the chapel† began in 1993, however much work still needs to be done to the exterior walls of the structure. The Mission Trail Association, which was formed in 1986, has done much work to uphold the heritage of the chapel at San Elizario and other local Missions. Through their hard work, the Socorro and Ysleta missions, along with the San Elizario chapel have retained their beauty and strength through hundreds of years of faith and devotion. (Reyes). With the help of the Mission Trail Association and donations from tourists and local interest in its preservation, the San Elizario chapel can be a monument for many more generations to enjoy. Works Cited Hall, Douglas Kent.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Why Firms become Multinational Enterprises

Why Firms become Multinational Enterprises Introduction One of the important aspects of globalization is the international transformation of the companies around the world. The companies have evolved from being a domestic firm to a multinational corporation and being present almost everywhere in the world either physically or via internet. These international companies are regarded as true MNCs only if they have made substantial direct investment in foreign countries and have actively and continuously taken part in the management of these assets (Barlett, Ghoshal, p2). Though the companies had started the internationalization process as early as in the seventeenth and the eighteenth century when the developed nations moved towards the under developed ones for acquiring key resources and in search for markets, but the latter part of the twentieth century and the beginning of twenty-first century witnessed a huge expansion in the extent to which the firms go international  (Barlett, ghoshal, p1). The internationalization process has trans formed greatly due to the evolution of the motives and the way firms integrate and expand their businesses around the world. There are both proactive and reactive motivations for a firm to go international. Proactive motivations are evident in firms that see a need for a strategic change and want to go international; whereas reactive firms are those that go international because they have to in order to deal with the competition from the domestic firms growing internationally as well as the foreign players entering the domestic market. (Czinkota, The Export Marketing Imperative, 2004, pg 4). This essay discusses these motives for firms to become MNEs and how they go about it. Why firms become Multinational Enterprises In the increasingly global business environment, many companies cannot afford to be under the assumption that their domestic markets will always be profitable. For this reason, many companies start with selling their existing products to the countries which have more number of consumers (e.g. China and India) or where consumers have more purchasing power (e.g., USA) (Rennie, Michael W, 193). This arises from the primary profit-seeking motive of the companies but also helps them to increase their brand identity and global presence (Czinkota, p4). These companies then customize their product line according to the country in which they are selling in order to expand their customer base and tackle the competition from the domestic players. So increased sales are a major motive for a companys expansion, and in fact, many of the worlds largest companies including Volkswagen (Germany), Ericsson (Sweden), IBM (United States), Michelin (France), Nestle (Switzerland), and Sony (Japan) derive more than half their sales from outside their home countries (UN Conference: Promoting Linkages, 2001). Another motive, which arose from the firms going international, was seeking cost effective resources to propel production for local and foreign markets. As the firms expanded geographically, they needed to attain competitive advantage over other foreign as well as the domestic companies. This drove them to invest abroad in countries where resources needed for production were available at low cost (Cosmin Sabau). In the earlier days, these resources included mainly the natural resources like rubber, steel, aluminum, etc., for example, crude oil was sourced from gulf countries to meet the shortfall in the domestic supply of crude oil. Today, it includes low cost land, labor and capital as well. This helped in lowering their cost of production and offering competitive prices to the customer. Sports good companies like Rawlings rely largely on labor in Costa Rica, a country that hardly plays baseball, to produce baseballs (Philip Hersh, 2009). The motivations to expand internationally however changed gradually in response to the great organizational and technological forces (Barlett, ghoshal, p6). One of the major contemporary motives is achieving economies of scale. It was first noted by manufacturers in the military aircraft industry in the 1920s and 1930s that direct labor costs decreased by a constant percentage as the cumulative number of aircraft produced doubled. By increasing the cumulative output and exporting to a larger market, the companies can bring down their cost of production by 20-30 percent (Ghemawat). Many companies establish foreign research and development (RD) facilities to tap additional scientific resources, sometimes acquiring useful knowledge in the process (Heather Berry, 2006, p 151-168). Avon, for instance, applies know-how from its Latin American marketing experience to help sell to the US Hispanic market (Nery Ynclan, July 23, 2002:EI). Yet another motive for companies going international was shortening PLCs (Barlett, ghoshal, p6). As the life of a product became shorter, adequate returns for all the research and development done for the product could be made only by introducing the product to multiple larger markets. In addition companies nowadays aim to launch the product simultaneously in as many markets as possible to enjoy the maximum returns before more firms start producing substitutes. How firms become Multinational Enterprises Internationalization is a very crucial and strategic decision that a company takes in its lifetime. Certain prerequisites need to be met before a firm can think of nationalizing and becoming an MNC. The first one is high country attractiveness. The country should be able to offer something that will promise a competitive advantage for the company or something that can help the company sustain its existing competitive advantage. Another prerequisite is the ownership of strategic competencies. The company should have some competencies that will help it counter balance the incognizance of foreign markets and environmental conditions. Also, the company should have some organizational capabilities that will increase the ROI by leveraging the companys strategic strengths intensively. These three prerequisites are essential for selecting the mode of internationalization and the mode of country entry that will help the company compete in world business. (Barlett, Ghoshal) There are many methods adopted by companies to internationalize and conquer foreign markets. The earliest method used by firms in their process of becoming MNEs was exports and imports. This may include both merchandise exports and imports and service exports and imports. Service exports and imports may be tourism and transportation, service performance and asset use. Some services earn payment for the companies for the performance of those services. For example, the companies may pay fees for turnkey projects which are transferred to the owner once they are operational. Management contracts also earn the companies fees for the performance of general and specialized management functions for another. Asset use includes Licensing, Franchising, etc. Licensing is the process of allowing another company to use its intangible assets like patents, trademarks, copyrights, or expertise, under contracts known as licensing agreements for which they earn royalties. Example. Franchising is the pr ocess of business in which a company permits another company to use the trademark as an asset of the franchisees business. The franchisor will help the franchisee by supplying raw materials, management services etc. and also will lay down guidelines and standards that are to be followed by the franchisee. For example, McDonalds has franchised its outlets in many countries like UK, India, etc. In many circumstances, a multinational with an exclusive technology may fear that a licensing contract lead to dissipation of its proprietary knowledge. In that case, setting up a foreign subsidiary is a preferable strategy. ( Another method of expanding globally is by making investments on the foreign countries. Foreign investment implies ownership of foreign property in exchange for a financial return. There are two forms of foreign investment: direct and portfolio. The foreign direct investments (FDIs) confer the investor with a controlling stake in the company. For example, when Nintendos CEP bought the Seattle Mariners, the baseball team became a Japanese FDI in the US. Although the control in the foreign company need not be full; even with a minority stake and the remaining ownership widely dispersed, the foreign investor can take decisions that cannot be vetoed by any other owner. When the ownership of the company is taken by more than one company, it is called as a joint venture. Today, at least 61,000 companies worldwide control over 900,000 FDIs in every industry (UN Conference: FDI from Developing and Transition Economies, 2006, p 30-31). On the other hand, the foreign portfolio investment is a non controlling interest in a company or ownership of a loan made to another party. This can be in the form of stocks in a company or loans to a company in the forms of bonds, bills, or notes purchased by the investor. They are comparatively safer than FDIs in terms of risk. Conclusion The changing extent, character and geography of MNE activity over the past two decades is itself a reflection of a series of path-breaking technological, economic and political events. But internationalization is not a one size fits all approach have different motives to go global and do it in the way that best suits their business models and gives them maximum returns. Whichever method a company adopts, it goes through a learning process and increases its knowledge throughout the process. Internationalization has indeed become the need of the hour for companies to sustain their businesses in the long run and develop companys strategic and organizational capabilities.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Famous :: essays research papers

So here I am, microphone in hand, about to sing in front of 100 million people across the world. The cameras are on me, and the audience has fallen silent in anticipation. How did this happen, you ask? How did I, Katie Skipton – an ordinary 15-year-old schoolgirl just a couple of days ago – get to become an overnight superstar? Glad you asked. Sit back, relax, and let me tell you about the craziest day of my life†¦   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Three days ago, my class and I were looking forward to a fieldtrip that we were taking to France. We were studying Europe, and as the whole school knows, the sixth grade class votes on which country in Europe they want to visit. We voted on France this year because that’s the language that most of us were learning to speak.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anyway, we were all at the airport waiting impatiently for our flight to come. People were looking at us funny. I mean, it’s not every day you see about 150 kids strolling around an airport with only ten adults. As I was sitting there, bored to death, I saw some of my friends go to the shops and cafà ©s, so I decided to go with them. We stopped by the bathrooms since most of us really needed to go badly. I always seem to take quite a while going to the bathroom. My friends already knew this, so they said that they would meet me at the cafà © across the hall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I was finally done going to the bathroom and washing my hands very thoroughly, I saw that there were three cafà ©s across the hallway. Which one did they go to? They could have at least had somebody wait here for me. Such good friends they are. Any way, I chose the one that looked most inviting, the one that would attract a lot of teens with its colorful appearance. I stepped inside and wandered around. Out of all the tables that were in there, none of them seated my friends. I had to find my friends because I didn’t know my way back to the waiting room.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I went to the next restaurant. I didn’t think they would be in here because it looked kind of junky and all I could see was a bar. They wouldn’t be allowed there. I had no luck in the last cafà ©, either.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Definition of Year-round school :: essays papers

Definition of Year-round school Year round schools as cited by the thesaurus in the ebsco host states that year round schools are â€Å"schools that operate year-round but have not increased the number of days students must attend.† Education week on the web states that year round education is â€Å"A modified school calendar that offers short breaks throughout the year, rather than the traditional summer vacation. The calendars vary as do the reasons for switching to a year-round schedule. Some schools stagger the schedules to relieve crowding. Others think the three-month break allows students to forget much of the material covered in the previous year† (2002). History of traditional calendar school It is important to understand the reasoning behind the traditional nine-month calendar school year to understand why certain people believe there is a need for change. Woodward, A.C. (1995) â€Å"At one point in time, farming was the primary source of income for families, and everyone in the family was obligated to help. With this in mind, school calendars were scheduled to revolve around the harvesting and planting of crops.† However, the farming population in America dramatically decreased, although the shift away from farming had occurred, the change in the school calendar had not (Huitt, 1995). It is presumed that the school calendar did not change because of tradition of summers as vacation time and the temperatures. Because of the lack of air-conditioning, most schools opted for summer breaks due to the extreme heat and humidity (Glines, 1992). II. Implementing Year-round school â€Å"As determined by the New York State Board of Regents (1978), this school schedule encouraged forgetting. Longer breaks between formal instruction inhibited a student's ability to retain information.† (Woodward, 1995). Many year-round school advocates also argue that year-round school will ease overcrowding, enhance student learning and retention, and reduce cost. (Ballinger, 1988). Alcorn (1992) stated, "If students' longest break from the classroom is one month instead of three, it is possible to avoid what can be called the long summer of forgetting†(p.13). Ballinger (1988) asserts that it is time for a change in the school calendar because â€Å"the customary long summer vacation disrupts the continuity of instruction that curriculum planners desire.† He states that a less interrupted flow of instruction will help and enhance the knowledge learned of most able students by not reviewing at the beginning of each year and wasting time.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Learning Plan Essay

The learning plan described in this paper is to have students debate a topic related to the Civil War. The debate topic is â€Å"Was the Emancipation Proclamation enacted for moral reasons or political reasons? † The main concept of this learning plan is to have students work collaboratively to research facts, and recall and use facts from the Civil War unit to incorporate into their arguments. (It should be noted that the learning plan described in this paper will take several classes to complete, however the learning plan procedures will only address the class where the debate will occur. ) It is  assumed that debate skills were taught in a previous class. The learning theory certainly incorporates constructivist aspects. They are constructing knowledge rather than absorbing it. This is constructivist approach is illustrated through the collaborative nature of the assignment, as well as through the research that students’ must produce. In terms of the use of technology and media; the students will be instructed to research one source of information, from the internet, related to their argument. They must submit a one-page analysis of the information in which they found along with a references page. This must be submitted to the teacher a week before the scheduled debate. The teacher will assess the content of the paper, but the references page will also be important. Teacher must evaluate the kinds of internet sources that the students have used. The credibility of the internet source, and the strength of student’s research will be analyzed by the teacher. The purpose is to assess student’s traditional literacy and critical analytical skills (assessed when evaluating the content), and information 1 2 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS literacy/interpretation skills of online material (assessed by reviewing the  reference page). Finally, the teacher will hand back papers to the students, and he/she will instruct each group to use at least two of their group members’ papers into their group’s arguments. Media and technology will also be incorporated with the use of social media. The teacher will tell students that their debates will be recorded and submitted to youtube or a private school website (if issues of privacy are raised). Others will be allowed to view the video to evaluate the strength of each team’s arguments. Based on the comments of public viewers, a winner will be chosen (by popular vote). This popular vote will be incorporated as a small percentage into the assessment. This is being done as to allow students to participate in new media opportunities within an educational context. Learning Plan Context Setting †¢The high needs school will be a High School in the Bay Area, either in San Francisco or Oakland. †¢There will be 25-30 students in an individual classroom. †¢The lesson will take place the week after the Civil War unit is finished. †¢It is anticipated that the unit will last about two weeks, therefore the debate class will occur during the third week. The actual debate class will take up one class period. †¢The content area is US History/Politics. The grade level is Juniors (11th grade). †¢In sum, the curriculum unit is 11th grade, US History/Politics, Civil War unit. 2 3 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS Standards †¢According to California standards for literacy in History/Social Studies in 6-12th grades. A student must be able to demonstrate analysis of primary and secondary sources, and connect these insights to the understanding of the whole text. This ability will be addressed and assessed when students must incorporate information learned from the textbook with information gained from the internet, and use both  sources of information, into their debate. The student’s ability to undertake this task will be evaluated by the teacher with the submission of student’s sources, and also during the debate. (http://www. cde. ca. gov/be/st/ss/documents/finalelaccssstandards. pdf. ) †¢ Also according to California standards, students must be able to evaluate various explanations for events and actions. This standard is illustrated in the nature of the activity. A debate, in itself, evaluates different explanations for one event, which makes it an ideal means of addressing this standard. (http://www. cde. pdf. ) †¢Finally, according to California standards, students must be able to evaluate differing points of view on the same historical issue. Once again, this standard is illustrated within the nature of a debate. It is also illustrated when students submit their own analysis of internet research (http://www. cde. ca. gov/be/st/ss/documents/finalelaccssstandards. pdf. ) Learning Objective 3 4 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS †¢Students will be able to collaboratively demonstrate their knowledge of Civil War policy, events and information, from the textbook and from  online sources, by formulating arguments to be presented within a debate. Learning Theory Applications †¢Constructivism is certainly at play in this lesson plan: †¢The activity allows knowledge to be organized into schemas, concepts, and worldviews. †¢This activity is emphasizing the use of authentic activities by constructing knowledge through interaction with the environments (internet and peers), and applying it to real-life situations (debate). †¢The collaborative component certainly illustrates constuctivism; learners will help each other create conceptual connections. †¢Finally, students are working autonomously with the help of the  teacher as facilitator, supporter, and model (Ormrod, 2006). Learning Accommodations: †¢Individualized Education Plan for Special Accomodations: In each team, all students will be assigned a role. For example, â€Å"speaker†, â€Å"writer†, â€Å"time-keeper†. A student’s IEP will be taken into consideration when assigning roles. A student with an IEP, will be assigned a role that best fits their IEP. For example, a student with ADD, may be best suited to be a time-keeper since their attention span is not as focused. They may be anxious to change the pace of the group’s discussions, and therefore they may be eager to keep track of the time. 4 5 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS †¢Language Development needs: When assigning the internet-based research; the teacher will give ELL students a website to navigate to, instead of having the students navigate the internet themselves. Teacher will give explicit instructions as to where to look on the website so students do not feel too overwhelmed with the English language. Teacher will ask the students to try to comprehend some of the information, however if this proves too difficult, then the teacher will ask the students to find 15-20 words from the website that the student did not understand. The student will then find the meanings of these words in their own language. They must write at least a paragraph about the Civil War unit incorporating five of the words that they found on the internet. Also, at least two of these words must be incorporated into the arguments of their team. †¢Gifted and Talented needs: This is a challenging component to consider because a gifted/talented student does not necessarily mean an academic-rigorous student. To really tailor the lesson to address the interests of a gifted/talented student, then the teacher will have to be familiar with the personality of that particular student. However, some situations will be addressed here. First of all, from the research, the lesson itself befits that of a gifted/talented student. Competition, which characterizes a debate, usually suits the nature of gifted/talented students. (http://www. teachersfirst. com/gifted_strategies. cfm) The first situation to consider is a student who is gifted/talented, but not academically 5 6 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS rigorous. This student will be given a leadership role within his/her team. He/she may be assigned to organize/manage all the ideas of the students. He/she is the one who will be given the rubric for what the  teacher is assessing when observing the team’s discussions and arguments. He/she is the manager, and he/she will be assessed on their ability to keep his/her team on task. In this way, this student isn’t necessarily doing more â€Å"academic† work, but he/she is being challenged in a rather difficult manner. A second situation to consider is to have a gifted/talented student who is academically rigorous. The teacher will give this student a second component to add to his/her research paper. The student must connect textbook material and internet material to the US politics of today. This is increasing the  cognitive process from analyze (which all students must do with their research papers) to evaluate (Anderson and Krathwol, 2001). The student can choose to incorporate this extra component into their team’s arguments. Resource Accommodations: †¢Low tech: There are no computers, projector, or internet access in the classroom. If this is the case, teacher may have to allocate time in different lessons to use school facilities where computers are available. Computers must be used so that the teacher can show students the kinds of websites that are credible, as well as to use sites, like youtube, to show students examples of debates. Computer use is necessary so 6 7 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS teacher may have to take time before or after school to meet with students (who are willing) to show them the above-mentioned websites. †¢Mid tech: One computer connected to a projector is available in the classroom. The teacher can use this computer to show examples of credible websites, as well as to show examples of debates online. †¢High tech: Class is equipped with several computers. Teams can go online themselves to view videos of debates and start research for their paper. In this way, the collaborative nature of the lesson will  start even earlier (in the pre-planning stage). Content-Based Literacy Skills †¢In terms of text-based literacy; students must incorporate information from their textbook into their arguments †¢Critical thinking, reflective thought, and text-supported thinking will be illustrated when students must draw connections between internet-based information and textbook information while doing their analysis/research paper. This connection will be evaluated when student’s cute their sources within their paper. (This explanation will also illustrate students’ information literacy. ) New Media Literacy Skills  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Performance: This skill is illustrated when students view sample debates on the internet and use this as models of performance in their own debates. 7 8 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS †¢Collective Intelligence: This skill is done when students are within their respective teams and they must draw upon their own and others ideas, research, and knowledge to formulate strong arguments. †¢Judgement: This skill is illustrated when students must judge which websites and information are to be included in their research/analysis paper. †¢Networking: Once again, this skill is illustrated when students must  search, connect, and analyze information on the internet for the purpose of their research/analysis paper (Jenkins, 2001). Learning Material: †¢Textbook: Learners will need textbook so that they can recall information. †¢Paper, pen: Leaners will need so that they can write down information. †¢Rubric: Both the learner and teacher needs. Learners need it so that they are aware of what’s expected of them while working in teams and formulating their arguments. Teacher needs it so that he/she can refer to it when assessing the team’s progress. †¢Notes: Learners will need them as a reference when formulating arguments. †¢Stopwatch/watch: This will be given to the student whose job is timekeeper. †¢Video Camera: Used to record the debate Learning Plan Procedures Phase I: Motivation Activity †¢Teacher will show a short clip of a very powerful, interesting debate. Possibly a presidential debate. The clip will only show the most 8 9 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS poignant part (according to the teacher) of the debate. Hopefully the clip will be no longer than 5 minutes long. (if there’s no computer available, then teacher must bring in her/his own computer. ) †¢In a class of 30 chair/table. There will be 15 chairs/ tables on each side  of the room. They will be facing eachother. †¢Learners will enter the classroom and sit down immediately with their team. †¢The teacher will then show the video as soon as the class is seated and quiet. †¢This activity is being done to motivate, encourage, and remind students of what a good debate looks like so that the output of the students’ debates can match skills such as speaking (clear and concise) and eye-contact of the debaters within the video. Phase II: Input (Teacher Driven) Activity: †¢During this class, the teacher will, serve only as facilitator, therefore not much activity will be driven by the teacher. However, after the video, the teacher will remind students of the rubric that was given to them, and tell students that she/he is only their to assist in the logistics of the debate (time, flow, managing emotions if this becomes a problem). The teacher will also instruct students to take notes on each other’s arguments because this assignment will be important for their homework assignment. She/he will also remind student that they will be recorded. †¢Teacher will tell all students to take out their rubrics. †¢She/He will go over some key point from the rubric as it relates to the debate. 9 10 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS. †¢The teacher will tell students to make sure that they keep these key points in mind because these points will be assessed during the debate. †¢The teacher will instruct students to have their rubrics out for the entire class so they can monitor their team’s progress by themselves. †¢Teacher will formally go over key questions from the rubric that he/she hopes the teams have incorporated into the nature of the debate (clear speech, eye contact, concise points, respectful behavior) as well as into the content of the debate. In term of the nature of the debate, questions might look like â€Å"Is my team being quiet/respectful as the  other team presents their arguments? †, â€Å"Are my responses to the other’s teams arguments not insulting? † etc. In terms of the content of the debate, questions may look like, â€Å"Did my team incorporate facts from the textbook? †, â€Å"Did my team use at least two credible internet sources within the argument? †, â€Å"Did my team follow special instructions assigned by the teacher (e. g. incorporating ideas from IEP students, ELL student, gifted students)?. † †¢This activity and these questions serve to remind students of the importance of the collaborative nature of the learning objective. They  also serve to remind students that they must be able to demonstrate their understanding of the Civil War unit, as well as their understanding of outside sources within the context of an argument. Phase III: Output (Learner Driven) Activity 10 11 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS †¢Students will take part in a debate. The topic is â€Å"Was the Emancipation Proclamation enacted for moral reasons or political reasons? † This activity will illustrate the learning objective in several ways. First, the collaborative nature of the previous classes will finally be demonstrated. Second, the students must illustrate their knowledge of  Civil War policies within their arguments. Third, both sides’ arguments must include information from outside sources. †¢The teacher will select one team to present their arguments first. †¢Recording will begin †¢The speaker of that team will stand up and come to the front of the class. They will present their team’s argument. In the argument they must mention the sources in which they got their information. For example, if they got a particular piece of data from the textbook, then they must state â€Å"As is presented in the textbook†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . If they got a particular piece of data from the internet then they must state, â€Å"As is  presented on so-called website, or by so-called author†¦Ã¢â‚¬  They must also explicitly state how they used the â€Å"special instructions† from the teacher. For example, â€Å"(ELL’s student’s name) found that ‘compromise’ was not a possible solution of the Civil War. † In this example, it is assumed that compromise was on a list of words that an ELL student did not understand. He/she presented these list of words to his/her team. The team reviewed the list, and chose to use the word compromise as part of their argument. †¢The student will finish the presentation of his/her argument. 11 12 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS. †¢The teacher will tell the next team to present its argument. The team will follow the same procedure as above. †¢The teacher will then stop recording of the debate. †¢This debate will naturally lead to questions, comments from both the teacher and the students. Phase IV: Culmination †¢The teacher will ask the groups to clear up any misunderstandings or misinformation the teams may have had within their argument. This is to give other team members a chance to speak about the argument, which reinforces the collaborative effort of the lesson. †¢The teacher will also ask students how their team’s or the other team’s  information and debate skills differed and how these things were similar to the debate presented in the beginning of the class. †¢As a smaller activity, the teacher will instruct all the students to come up with one question, comment, critique of the other team’s argument. This assignment will illustrate each student’s understanding of the Civil War Unit because it challenges students to relate, connect, or counter-argue their own knowledge of the unit. This question will be submitted to the teacher. Phase V: Extension †¢For homework, students will write a one-page analysis of the opposing teams arguments. The student will address the opposing side’s arguments. He/she will evaluate the argument’s weaknesses, strengths; and why he/she disagreed or agreed with the points that were made. 12 13 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS Learning Plan Analysis Formative assessments will include analyzing the collaborative efforts of the team, the behavior of each team during the presentation of the opposing team’s arguments, how well each team member took on their role within their team, and how well the team incorporated textbook information, outside information, and ‘†special instructions† from the teacher into their  argument. A summative assessment will include the teacher’s evaluation of the internet analysis/research paper, the one-page analysis of opposing team’s argument, teacher’s evaluations of the strength of the arguments, and finally the â€Å"popular vote† (the results of youtube or school-based website). Weaknesses of this lesson plan include time constraints, and the many assessments involved. It may be difficult to accurately assess how well each team members took on their roles. Some students may still be taking on more work than others. Also, incorporating ELL/IEP students proved to be a difficult task.. Strength of the lesson is it fosters team work, analytical skills, and gives students more power in the direction and implementation of a lesson. The teacher will implement these varied assessments in its first year, and then will evaluate the effectiveness of these assessments for future classes. The learning theories applied in the first phase was Vygotzky’s Cognitive Process. Students are witnessing two adults debating and they are expected to try to learn/imitate the behaviors of those adults. In the second 13 14 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS phase, social cognitive theory is at play. The teacher both models desired behaviors/outcomes, as well as emphasizes self-efficacy and self-regulation. In the third phase, constructivism is illustrated. The debate is student-driven because the students are demonstrating their constructed knowledge within the debate. The assessments have a behaviorist component. Negative reinforcement (decrease a behavior) is illustrated when the teacher warns students that if they are not respectful or a team member does not contribute meaningfully, then they may be marked down (Ormrod, 2008). References Anderson, L. W. , & Krathwol, D. R. (2001) . A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing, 28-31. California Department of Education. (2013) California Common Core State Standards. http://www. cde. ca. gov/be/st/ss/documents/finalelaccssstandards. pdf Jenkins, H. , Clinton, K. , Purushotma, R. , Robison, A. J. , and Weigel, M. (2006). â€Å"Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century. † Chicago, IL: MacArthur Foundation. Ormrod, J. E. (2008). Educational Psychology Developing Learners, 8. 25-36. Teachers First. (2014) http://www. teachersfirst. com/gifted_strategies. cfm 14 15 LEARNING PLAN: HISTORY DEBATE CLASS.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Nature in Frankenstein Essay

Within Frankenstein, Shelley uses nature as a corrective agent for Victor Frankenstein, one of the main characters. While he is in bereavement by the murders of his friends and family members, he frequently seeks nature for relaxation and help to guide him to victory. To start with Shelley uses natural metaphors to describe Victor’s childhood. â€Å"I find it arise, like a mountain river, from ignoble and almost forgotten sources†. The use of Mountain River to describe feelings that victor holds is the beginning of a theme that is continued throughout the book. This introduction to nature and human feeling’s, shows how Shelley would rather use metaphors of a natural setting rather than other descriptions. Instead of relating Victor’s feelings to other characters, Shelley chooses the more ‘romantic’ image of a ‘Mountain River’. As the book progresses, nature become Victors personal therapy when he undergoes torment or stress and Sh elley creates a connection between Victor and nature. Shelley describes Victor’s recovery from his grave illness through his connection with nature. Although he is nursed by his closest friend, it is the breathing of the air that finally gives him strength. â€Å"†¦My health and spirits had long been restores, and they gained additional strength from the salubrious air I breathed†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Here Victor is so taken in with this he actually gains strength from the air that he didn’t have before. The use of the word ‘salubrious’ which means to bring health reinforces the idea that the air has saved him, and that nature is restorative. Throughout Frankenstein it is nature that keeps Victor healthy enough to continue on his journey. â€Å"I remained two days at Lausanne, in this painful state of mind. I contemplated the lake: the waters were placid; all around was calm, and the snowy mountains, the places of nature, were not changed. By degrees the calm and heavenly scene restored me, and I continued my j ourney towards Geneva† â€Å"†¦bright summit of Mont Blanc. I wept like a child: â€Å"Dear Mountains! My own beautiful lake! How do you welcome your wanderer? Your summits are clear; the sky and lake are blue and placid. Is this to prognosticate peace or to mock at my unhappiness?† Victor’s reaction to nature and Mont Blanc provides evidence that only nature can restore Victor to health. As he gets closer to being with his family, Victor’s mood doesn’t change. His enthusiasms to the mountains are more passionate than his attitude to his family. It shows that his relationship with nature goes beyond any relationship he could have with his family or any human being. Victor is embracing nature for comfort rather than his family. He is â€Å"particularly agreeable† in moving as he cannot escape his family in Geneva who are â€Å"irksome†. He makes it clear that he would rather row a boat on a lake than be with people. His use of the word â€Å"free† implies that he is only free when he is with one with nature. Rather than being forced to be with his family, he sees this as imprisonment more than anything. This provides evidence that he can only find peace by taking a boat onto the water so he can be alone with nature. Another character that results to nature is Elizabeth. She is a close family friend and she and Victor get married as Victor’s father thinks this would be the best thing to do in these circumstances. On their wedding night Victor is in such a foul mood that, Elizabeth resorts to nature in an attempt to cheer him. â€Å"Observe how fast we move along, and how the clouds which sometimes obscure, and sometimes rise above the dome of Mont Blanc, render this scene of beauty still more interesting†. Her use of nature demonstrates her understanding that Victor has rejected humanity and adopted nature. However her attempt is too late as Victor has sunk too deep in despair to be cheered up even by nature Nature is far more important to Victor’s health than any other agent in the story, and the image of natural settings become excessive as Frankenstein unfolds. While Victor claims to be destroyed by the monster’s murdering of his friends and family, he seems to be drawn to nature for support, and not his friends or family. His obsession with nature seems more and more constant as he hides from humanity. Shelley makes extensive use of nature as the source of stability for Victor in a world that he has himself undone.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Mktg 205 Unit 4 Ip Principles of Marketing

Carrie Cunnien American Intercontinental University Unit 4 Individual Project MKTG 205 – Principles of Marketing Abstract This is a single paragraph, no indentation is required. The next page will be an abstract; â€Å"a brief, comprehensive summary of the contents of the article; it allows the readers to survey the contents of an article quickly† (Publication Manual, 2010). The length of this abstract should be 35-50 words (2-3 sentences). NOTE: the abstract must be on page 2 and the body of the paper will begin on page 3. Introduction Remember to always indent the first line of a paragraph (use the tab key).The introduction should be short (2-3 sentences). The margins, font size, spacing, and font type (italics or plain) are set in APA format. While you may change the names of the headings and subheadings, do not change the font or style of font. Definition of Marketing This content comes from the Unit 1 Discussion Board. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 1 grading, those should be made with this submission. What is the definition of marketing?My definition is basically, what customers want, when they want it, where they want it, and at a price they are can afford to pay. Well I soon found out that everyone has their own take on the definition of marketing. These three I felt were the best because they made the definitions easy enough for me to grasp what exactly marketing means. The first source I used was from our text book Marketing tenth edition by Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011), their definition of marketing is it focuses on assessing and satisfying the needs of consumers. The second source was from Marketing. 2005), In International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management, they claim marketing is the distribution of ideas, goods, and services. The last source I used was marketing. (2003), In The Macmillan Encyclopedia, their definition is a market of goods and services which is part of the marketing mix. This consists of four parameters packaging, product, pricing and place. They also feel that a company needs to keep up on the times and change their products to the consumer’s needs. This is the ultimate goal of all marketers and their companies. Introduction of Product/ServiceThis content comes from the Unit 1 Discussion Board. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 1 grading, those should be made with this submission. The company that I chose to do my research on is Chocolate Bar: Food and Agriculture: Candy Manufacturing: Hersey’s Candy Company. I chose this company for many reasons because they are able to promote a product that can satisfy just about every person out there in the world. They have candy for every type of person imaginable.They have a variety of products for the chocoholics, health fanatics , and baking fanatics. These are all people that they promote their products to. Based on your definition, analyze whether the company should be considered good marketers or not. I would say that this company is definitely earned its reputation as a good marketer. They always find new ways to keep their loyal customers to keep coming back for more and more. Also the company has been around since 1894 and has been growing steady ever since. I think this speaks volumes of how well they promote their products.They listen to customer needs and wants and develop new ideas constantly. Which I believe are all elements of a great marketer. They also have their products world-wide which consists of 90 different countries. With Milton Hersey the founder of the Hersey Company is known for his humanitarian services like the school for orphans, creating a community and housing for all its 12,000 plus employees and executives according to, Milton S. Hershey: The Man and His Legacy/ The Hershey Co mpany. Situation Analysis — Marketing Environment Forces Impacting Product/Service This content comes from the Unit 1 Individual Project.Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 1 grading, those should be made with this submission. Market Force 1: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service The technological environment changes rapidly, and provides a strong tool for, marketers, consumers, and manufacturers. This age of information makes it possible for almost anyone to receive, or send information quickly according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011).This information is not limited to text, and it may include pictures, graphics, purchase options, and the ability to provide custom selections for a host of products. For the savvy marketers at the Hershey Company this opens the door to a wide variety of consumers. Market Force 2: Description and Analysis of impact on product/ service The economic environment plays a large role in marketing according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). The economic environment force is the income, expenditures and resources that affect the cost of running a business and household, according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011).The impact this has on the Hersey Company is keeping prices affordable and production costs down. Market Force 3: Description and Analysis of impact on product/service In addition the social environment is the demographic characteristics of the population and its values, according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius. (2011). Also changes in this force can have a dramatic impact on marketing strategies, for example: the obesity epidemic in America has caused consumers to convert to healthy eating habits. This conversion has resulted in a reduction of confections consumed by some families.With the consumers eye on how corporations operate Hershey’s marketers must be ever vigilant to ensure the compa ny’s reputation remains positive. If a corporation is seen as having less than acceptable business practices consumers may decide to spend their money elsewhere Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius. (2011). Strategies to Overcome the Threats Some of the technologies strategies that the Hershey’s Company needs to overcome are a rapid exchange of information which allows consumers the opportunity to quickly spread news of any unsatisfactory experience or transaction they may have endured with the Hershey Company.Further once a negative incident is noted it has the ability to snowball as it is passed forward from one consumer to another. The economic strategies The Hershey’s Company needs to overcome are given the state of the current economy; consumers are less likely to purchase luxury goods. While chocolate bars are an inexpensive item consumers give consideration to their choices. With the wide variety of chocolate bars available commercial exposure to consumers must be c onsistent and of high quality (Mitchell, 2008).The social strategies that the Hershey’s Company needs to overcome is; having a responsibility to educate consumers on how confectionery can be a part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Strategies to Capitalize on the Opportunities The technology strategy that Hershey’s Company capitalized on was commercials and television ads that are high in quality and that have catchy tunes and providing technical support and expertise to organizations such as the World Cocoa Foundation and the United States Food and Drug Administration, according to the Hershey’s Company website, (2009).On the social side the Hershey Companies strategies to capitalize on certain opportunities where, given the concerns of families of the health aspect of the Hershey’s candy they capitalized on this by responding to these concerns with sugar-free versions of some of our most popular products as well as snack-size and individually wrapped miniature items (most under 100 calories per piece) to enable portion control that meets the dietary needs of consumers, according to the Hershey’s Company website, (2009). In addition, we are involved in several efforts to promote healthy eating habits, weight control and exercise.They not only see to it that the community gets educated but also gives back to the community where they live and work by doing this they gain their support which enables them to succeed. On the social force, Hershey has responded to these concerns with sugar-free versions of some of our most popular products as well as snack-size and individually wrapped miniature items (most under 100 calories per piece) to enable portion control that meets the dietary needs of consumers according to the Hershey’s Company website, (2009).In addition, we are involved in several efforts to promote healthy eating habits, weight control and exercise. Marketing Strategy: Target Market(s) & Positioning T his content comes from the Unit 2 Discussion Board and Individual Project. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 2 grading, those should be made with this submission. There are five stages a buyer passes through when they make choices about which products and services to buy. They are the first stage which is problem recognition, which means perceiving a need.The second stage called the information search is when you seek out the value of a purchase. The third stage is called the alternative evaluation and this is when a consumer assesses the value of a product. The fourth stage is when a consumer decides to make the final purchase decision and what the buying value would be. The last stage called the postpurchase behavior is when a consumer decides what the value in the consumption or use of a product would be if they indulged in the product and made the purchase, according to Kerin, Har tley & Rudelius. 2011). These are all stage in which a consumer finds themselves in when they decide to make that purchase. It is these actions that they will take in purchasing and using products and services. Out of the four factors influencing buyer behavior cultural, social, personal and psychological I decided that for the Hershey’s candy it would be personal and social. The reason I say this is because chocolate is a personal preference. It is what a person sees in the product that gets their attention and makes them want to buy that item.The social aspect of the Hershey’s candy bar is also this behavior because income level and consumption habits are major parts to the social class. Not to mention the price is cheap enough for them to indulge in a chocolate candy bar. In today’s market there is a need for healthier products in which Hershey’s has come through on. They have quit a few healthy products that better their chances of the consumer buying not only for themselves but also the family as well. For Hershey’s they use all different ads to appeal to all types of generations. For instance at Christmas they will run ads that target parents and children.The parents because they are the ones that will purchase the items and the children are the ones that will say what they like the best and that will be based on what ad they feel caught their mind and make them want to have that instead of a different item. Also Halloween, Easter, Valentines and the summer time, (such as parades) are all hot times for marketers to really step up to the plate and out beat the competitors for the consumers to want to buy their products because the volume in candy sales at this time are extremely high. According to Almond, S. (2009) he eels that with the economy in a slump this is when consumers will buy more chocolate than any other time because apparently there is nothing more soothing to a financially insecure than a candy bar because it is cheap and a quick fix when a person is hungry. Statics have found that in recent eras of depression the economic turmoil the consumers crave is the luxury of cheap sweets. Marketers and company officials understand that it is not always possible to charm everyone all the time in the same way. Further different groups or market segments require different relationships.This is to say that while some shoppers will be delighted with coupons or contest type promotions others would prefer free shipping or discounts for bulk purchases. In an effort to please both groups different approaches are used to present products, in ways and places that appeal to each group. With this in mind marketers zero in on customers in particular groups with the intention of presenting products and service in a way that best suits the particular group. This practice is known as market segmentation according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011).Additionally few companies have the capacity or desire to pr ovide truly exceptional products and service to everyone on every occasion. The process of segmentation enables marketers and companies to pinpoint consumer’s needs or desires. Segmentation does not necessarily eliminate some consumers; rather it enables the marketer to reach them in a different way according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). Segmentation bases that may be profitable for Hershey’s chocolate bars are geographic, demographic, and psychographic. Geographic factors will be most relevant in the international markets and the business markets.In general Geographic’s are not relevant to the sales of Hershey’s chocolate bars. Except of course in the cities where the Hershey Company operates manufacturing plants. Demographics will have relevance based on who is doing the shopping, and how tight the budget is. Psychographics may prove the most profitable choice for market segmentation in the case of Hershey’s chocolate bars, according to the Hershey’s Company’s website. Also some lifestyles and personalities have an aversion to consuming chocolate the marketer’s efforts are better used elsewhere.Additionally because some lifestyles and personality’s include pleasure in the simple things segmentation by psychographics can separate these two groups according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). Consumer buying behavior begins with how a product is marketed. Marketing includes the product itself, the price of the product, the products availability, and how and where the product is offered according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). If a consumer feels that a product is too expensive or difficult to find many consumers will turn elsewhere for comparative products.Additionally if a consumer is not excited by the appearance of the product, or pleased with the way it is presented these consumers are likely to look for alternatives. Other factors that affect buying behavior are the social an d cultural environment that consumers live and work in, along with the consumers personal and psychological feelings. Each potential costumer is an individual, however buyers are members of groups and these groups affect buying decisions, sometimes subtly sometimes not. Further each individual is likely a member of several groups.Groups include family, friends, neighborhoods, religious affiliations, and others including nationalities according to Kerin, Hartley & Rudelius, (2011). Furthermore how the market appeals to these groups is paramount in some buying decisions. If a group places importance on a specific product the group members are apt to purchase that product or something similar at some point. The final purchase comes about due to a number of reasons. First the repeated exposure to it enforces a need for it, and then it becomes clear that the product is superior because everyone likes it and keeps using it.Finally the consumer decides they are able to afford it based on t he fact that other members in the group were able to buy it. Furthermore there are consumers who will buy the Hershey bar regardless of the price just because they are loyal consumers of Hershey products. Then there are consumers who will buy the chocolate bar that costs less or the chocolate bar that first catches their attention. The wise marketer understands that no one factor effects buying decisions all the time, but several factors work together within the consumer to create final buying decisions.Business to business marketing. Geographically speaking the Hershey Company will target their marketing strategy to business owners who operate or supply concessions or vending machines, along with grocery stores, and various retailers who sell snack foods. Local Business owners. These business owners will likely purchase the products in large quantities and with some regularity. Foreign Markets. In foreign markets this approach eliminates the need to reach individual consumers and a llows the local retailers to market the Hershey bar in ways they know will reach their customers.Demographics. When thinking in terms of demographics the target market for Hershey’s Chocolate bars might be parents who are of average income, and have one or more children. Age. 25 – 45. This target market will be profitable if the marketer remembers to market to the parent while embracing the family as a unit. Gender. Males and females are likely to be the main shoppers in many households these shoppers are the target market in this segment. Income. $25,000+ per year.Hershey’s chocolate bars are a convenience item and something of a luxury, persons with incomes lower than $25,000 per year are not likely to be regular consumers of luxury food products. Psychographics. Psychographic market segmentation will provide a target market of fun loving, happy people who embody a sense of enjoying every moment of life. Subscribe to Family Circle Magazine and the Disney Chann el This market segment has the potential to produce a growing population of loyal Hershey’s customers. Frequent amusement parks, county fairs, and children’s sports activities.This group will purchase Hershey’s chocolate for the pure joy of it, and will most likely introduce Hershey’s chocolate to their friends and family. According to the Nestle New Strategy, (2006), reports on the corporate strategy being employed by Nestle Corp. The company is planning to reorganize so that its wide product range can adapt to dynamic emerging markets. The company is aware on the need to calibrate their business strategy despite 20. 7% rise in net profits in 2005. Nestle is repositioning its products towards nutrition, health and wellness.The company also plans to build a new facility in Brazil to manufacture goods for low-income populations. The Mars Corporation positioning in the market consists of being the first confectionery company in the US to voluntarily impleme nt Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) nutrition labeling on all of its chocolate, non-chocolate confectionery and other food products. All packages will be redesigned to feature new graphics on the front and back of packages, which contain consumer-friendly, clear and easy to understand nutrition information that will help consumers make informed choices at the point of purchase.This announcement is part of a global initiative Mars is undertaking around the world. â€Å"Our redesigned labels are the latest examples of Mars' commitment to health and nutrition. By providing clear, concise and understandable information to consumers about what's inside all of our products, we will help them to make informed decisions about the foods they eat,† according to Bob Gamgort, president of Mars North America, (2008) â€Å"We make every effort to go beyond what is expected of a global food company. The product that the Hershey Company has competitive advantage over Mars and Nestle is the fact that they target the older generation with smaller bit size candies. The reasoning for this is because they are targeted them with the knowledge that smaller is healthier and less calories because the pieces are bit size. Not to mention an adult will consume less because they are more conscious of what they are putting in their mouths than say children and younger adults will. Another advantage that the Hershey’s Company has over other competitors is it is now targeting consumers that want a snack that is a 100 Calorie Bar and healthy.Hershey’s has come out with exactly those kinds of items such as York Peppermint, Wafer Bars, Reese's Peanut Butter Wafer Bars, Hershey's Pretzel Bars, Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bars, Hershey's Crisp Wafer Bars, Hershey's Whipped Vanilla Bars, which is more than any of the competitors have out in this category, according to the Hershey’s Company website. The Hershey Company will build their value proposition on product and image. The Hershey Company uses a value proposition of â€Å"more for the same† as stated by Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011).To family’s who want time together and a taste of the good life Hershey’s Chocolate will evoke the sweetest memories and help create new ones. Product/Service Overview and Strategies to Consider This content comes from the Unit 3 Discussion Board. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 3 grading, those should be made with this submission. The Hershey’s Chocolate bar is classified as a convenience product. Products classified as convenience products are generally inexpensive and easy to find.In order to market convenience products successfully marketers must ensure that prices remain low or equivalent to competitor’s prices. Additionally the products must be of consistent quality and packaged attractively. This author preferred the older type packaging with the chocolate wrapped in foil and slipped in to a paper sleeve. However it is clear there is a need for secure wrapping with one fully sealed package. This new packaging seems difficult to open without damaging the perfect shape of the chocolate bar but it cannot be tampered with as easily as it could have been with the previous wrapping.This is evidence that the Hershey Company is paying attention to what consumers need even when convenience must be secondary in order to ensure product safety. When marketing the Hershey’s chocolate bar some important factors in addition to packaging are; how to promote the Hershey brand, labels that identify Hershey products, where Hershey products will be sold, and how Hershey’s products will be displayed in retail locations. For example with convenience foods the items at eye level or within easy reach are more likely to be purchased than the same type of item on a high shelf or a low shelf.This simple pla cement can make a large difference in total sales over a period of time. The marketing strategies in use with the Hershey chocolate bar are to offer more for the same. This can be accomplished with a combination of great tasting chocolate at a reasonable price, prominent placement on store shelves, and providing clear indications that our products are Hershey’s products. Everyone knows that a Hershey bar is a Hershey’s product but how many people know who produces snickers or M;M’s? Pricing Strategy This content comes from the Unit 4 Discussion Board.Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list. If your instructor suggested updates in the week 4 grading, those should be made with the Unit 5 Individual Project submission. When pricing Hershey’s chocolate bar’s marketers must consider several factors. Consumer’s expectations of the chocolate can directly affect the price. For example; Hershey’s pro mises a bit of happiness with each bite. On the other hand Godiva chocolates appear to be a cut above the average chocolate bar, and because of this expectation for something special Godiva chocolates sell at higher price. Another factor to consider is the actual cost to produce the chocolate bar. The price should cover the cost of production, overhead, and distribution and still allow for a viable profit margin. Also important when determining a price is the competition. It is important to know what comparable products such as nestles crunch or M;M’s are selling for. This knowledge allows Hershey to offer their candy at the highest price the target market will pay, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011).The pricing method I would use for the Hershey’s chocolate bar is cost based pricing with a target profit scale. While this method does not take into account consumer demand or value assessments, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). In the case of ch ocolate bars it seems the best choice. In general people who want a chocolate bar expect only fresh candy that tastes great, no more and no less. Therefore the products value is in the taste and freshness, and this can be delivered by following a fixed schedule, which works well with a target profit approach.Further Product Mixed Pricing with an emphasis on Product Line Pricing will allow the candy maker to offer a variety of products in an array of sizes, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). For example the Hershey bar comes in at least three sizes and is available with or without nuts. This variety can meet the needs of those who wish to share and those who do not while allowing for price differences to offset packaging and handling requirements. Distribution Channels This content comes from the Unit 3 Individual Project. Be sure to include the required citations and add the sources to the reference list.If your instructor suggested updates in the week 3 grading, those should be made with this submission. Overview of Distribution Channels Direct distribution is a model used by organizations to move products from production to buyer without the use of wholesalers and retailers, according to BusinessDictionary. com. By eliminating the number of parties involved in the distribution process, significant savings can be realized. An organization using direct distribution must sell and distribute that product using their warehouses and sales staff.Indirect distribution is a chain of intermediaries through which a product moves in order to be made available for purchase by a consumer, according to BusinessDictionary. com. An indirect channel of distribution typically involves a product passing through additional steps as it moves from the manufacturing business via distributors to wholesalers and then retail stores according to Business Directory. com. Overview of Channel Organizations A conventional distribution channel is loosely organized and each chan nel considers itself separate from the others.This type of distribution channel is not strong and it is unlikely to produce the best value for the consumer, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). A vertical marketing system or VMS is a much stronger distribution system. A VMS includes at least one product manufacturer (or service provider), and a retail or wholesale outlet. The VMS generally has a leader and the separate channels work together with each channel supporting the other and forming a unit, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). A horizontal marketing system occurs when two or more companies of equal strength ban together to create a new concept.This new unit may be experimental or long term and may include competitors or other members of a chain of distribution. By joining together these companies are able to provide goods or services in a better way for both the consumer and the companies, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). Multichannel ma rketing systems are becoming more common, and seem to be the best way to market many products or services. Multichannel marketing systems include more than one chain of distribution, and provide many different ways for consumers to acquire the product or service, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011).Analyze Target Market’s Needs in Distribution Channels The analyses of the target market’s needs for the Hershey Company in the distribution channels would be in nontraditional classes of trade, such as drug stores, convenience stores, wholesale clubs and dollar stores, as well as in channels such as vending, food service and concessions. The target market channels would also be found in retailers, such as convenience stores, Wal-Marts, Targets, and grocery stores according to West, David, (2008).The target market in regards to the customers would be the chocolate lovers such as teens, children, females, and males, with the female population the highest. New targe t marketers would be the individuals looking for a low calorie snack with the chocolate taste they crave. Determine Channel Members with Explanation The channel members I would use for the Hershey’s Company marketing system would be wholesaler and a retailer. Adding three wholesalers is the most common for low-cost, low unit value items that are frequently purchased by consumers, such as candy, confectionary items, and magazines.Hershey’s sells its line of chocolate candy to wholesalers in case quantities, who then break down (sort) the cases so that individual retailers can order in boxes or much smaller quantities, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). The intensive distribution would be the most beneficial channel for the Hershey’s Company because it is the most used one for products that need to go out to as many outlets as possible. The objective is to place its products â€Å"within an arm’s reach of desire. † Discuss How Many Chann el Members with ExplanationThere are three target market coverage channels that a company can choose to go through for the best target market coverage. The three target markets consist of Intensive Distribution which means a company tries to place its products in as many stores as it possibly can like candy, fast food, newspapers and soft drinks. The second coverage of the target market coverage is called exclusive distribution which is just the opposite of intensive distribution because instead of several outlets this one only goes through one retailer in a geographical area to carry a company’s product.This type is usually reserved for specialty products like women’s fragrances, men and women’s apparel and accessories. The last coverage of the target market coverage is called selective distribution. This coverage is for firms who want to only have a select few retailers to carry its products in a geographical area, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011 ). An example of this coverage would be computer companies like Dell who sells a limited range of its products to companies like Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Staples.The best coverage that was chosen for The Hershey’s Company would be the first coverage which was the Intensive distribution because Hershey’s want their products to be everywhere as to compete with the other candy companies. They want their consumers to have it available at arm reach. Every corner, every store, and every outlet they can sell their product. Another requirement to consider in a channel choice is gaining access to channels and intermediaries that satisfy at least some of the interest that buyers might want fulfilled when they purchase a company’s product.There are four broad categories which consist of information, convenience, variety, and pre- or postsale service. Out of these four I would recommend the convenience when satisfying buyer requirements because this has multiple meanings for buyers. Such as the driving time to a store which is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week to fulfill their cravings not to mention the company’s benefit by gaining display space. Channel Organization So after everything that we have learned about with channel organizations the best channel organization that I would recommend would be the vertical marketing system or VMS.The reason I chose this channel organization for the Hershey’s Company is because it is a much stronger distribution system. It includes at least one product manufacturer (or service provider), and a retail or wholesale outlet. The VMS generally has a leader and the separate channels which work together with each channel supporting the other and forming a unit, according to Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius, (2011). Integrated Marketing Communications Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words†¦ be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph.Using direct quotes does not show yo ur mastery of the subject. Marketers need to remain aware of all communication that is related to their product. Each piece of publicity or media exposure should combine with the others to enhance the overall product message. The integrated marketing communications or IMC sets the tone for how the product is perceived and received by the consumer. It is imperative that the message is consistent and in line with the products promised value (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009). Promotion Mix StrategyIntroduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words†¦ be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. This author would suggest that the Hershey Company use both a push strategy and a pull strategy with each to be used according to the market segment best serviced by the specific strategy. This is to say that when selling to business and vendors a â€Å"pull† strategy would be most effective. This would allow the sales force to build and maintain positive relationships with large scale buyers (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009).On the other hand the Hershey Company would benefit with the use of a â€Å"push† strategy when marketing to individual consumers. This technique will allow the Hershey Company to take full advantage of their massive advertising budget, and the consumers will create a demand for the chocolate bar (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009). Message Strategy Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words†¦ be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject.The Hershey Company is well served with their simple message, Hershey’s will bring a little bit of happiness into every day. This message is simple yet consistent in all of the Hershey’s advertising, and is revealed in many ways which generally include friends or family and always good times. Hershey’s takes a sof t approach when sending this message and the consumer is made to feel content with the simple pleasure of a little bit of happiness. Promotion Tool #1 Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words†¦ be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph.Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. Promotion Tool #1 Advertising The Hershey chocolate bar will be promoted via advertising. This advertising will consists of TV commercials on the Disney channel, Lifetime and the three major networks. Also magazine ads will be placed in Family Circle and Better Homes and Gardens. These areas for advertisement have been selected based on the psychographic data related to the target market. Hershey’s message of putting a little bit of happiness in every day will be related by the big smiles and pleasant atmosphere depicted in the photos and commercials.Further the intent of these advertising tools is to remind consumers (Armstrong ; Kotler, 2009) that the Hershey bar is still the consumers favorite chocolate bar. Promotion Tool #2 Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words†¦ be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mastery of the subject. Direct marketing via the internet will be used to promote Hershey products. On the Hershey websites consumers can purchase custom chocolate bars in orders large or small.Consumers can also send custom gifts for special occasions which are sure to bring a little bit of happiness to any recipient. The excitement of giving or receiving chocolate that has been selected and packaged for someone special is what will keep customers coming back to the website, and encourage new customers to purchase that something special. Promotion Tool #3 Introduce the concept and cite the resources DO NOT use the exact words†¦ be sure to indent the first line of the paragraph. Using direct quotes does not show your mast ery of the subject.Due to positive public relations the Hershey Company has enjoyed over 100 years of success (Company Profile, 2003). With today’s technology and the ability to exchange information rapidly, positive public relations are a necessity. The Hershey Company will continue to operate in a way that enhances communities and leaves a positive impact on places relevant to chocolate production (The Hershey Company, n. d. ). The Hershey company will maintain a website that allows consumers to explore all the ways in which the Hershey company enhances the lives of employees and consumers alike (West, n. d. ). ConclusionAdd some concluding remarks-can be a sentence or two. As you can see marketing the Hershey’s chocolate bar is not a simple task. However with careful planning and continued efforts to understand consumers desires the Hershey Chocolate bar will enjoy continued success. References direct distribution. BusinessDictionary. com. Retrieved April 06, 2012, from BusinessDictionary. com website: http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/direct-distribution. html indirect channel of distribution. BusinessDictionary. com. Retrieved April 06, 2012, from BusinessDictionary. com website: http://www. businessdictionary. om/definition/indirect-channel-of-distribution. html Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). Marketing Tenth Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-39-013641-1. New York, NY. Retrieved on April 6, 2012 from https://mycampus. aiu- online. com/pages/MainFrame. aspx? ContentFrame=/Academics /Pages/ Orientation. aspx West, David. (2008). The Hershey Company Business Update Call Transcript. Retrieved on April 8, 2012 from http://seekingalpha. com/article/82178-the-hershey-company-business- update-call-transcript Kerin, Hartley ; Rudelius. (2011). Marketing Tenth Edition. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.ISBN: 978-0-39-013641-1. New York, NY. Retrieved on April 6, 2012 from https://mycampus. aiu- online. com/pages/MainFr ame. aspx? ContentFrame=/Academics /Pages/ Orientation. aspx The Hershey Company. (2011). Hershey Announces Third Quarter Results; Updates Outlook for 201. 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